53 | Trust My Rage

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"So you haven't sensed anything?" Halay questioned as she leant causally against the wall.

Day three of the Grand Magic Games was relatively boring, the only exciting thing was that Sabertooth had lost once again. This seemed like a good thing for Fairy Tail but Halay couldn't get the bad feeling out of her stomach. However she couldn't dwell on it as Jellal has requested to talk to her alone. The brunette had worried that things would be a little awkward between them but so far, it was comfortable.

"No, not yet." Jellal shook his head as he pulled off his mask. "We usually detect a power reminiscent of Zeref at the games but for some reason, we are yet to sense it this year."

"That's strange." Halay frowned, crossing her arms over her chest. "Why do you think that is?"

"I'm not sure but I can think of a number is possibilities." Jellal answered truthfully. "Let's say a wizard is responsible for the power, well they may not be attending the games this year or they could be here in Crocus and not be using their magic." He theorised as he thought deeply.

"Maybe it's someone in the tournament who hasn't participated yet." Halay hummed as she added another idea.

"If it's from a device or specific location then that makes things slightly more complicated." He informed the brunette as looked up at her, leaning against the wall. "Either the device hasn't been activated or there is some sort of filter that is preventing the magic power from seeping out."

Halay sighed as she scratched her neck. "The fact you aren't sensing anything right now means we can relax a bit and not worry right now." She sent him a small, hopeful smile which Jellal couldn't help but chuckle at.

"I certainly hope that's true." Jellal smiled at her as he stood up straight. "Tomorrow, I'll do some investigating into the event organisers."

"Try not to draw any attention to yourself." Halay told the bluenette as he began to walk away.

"I've learned my lesson." He chuckled lightly in response. "Ultear drove that point home loud and clear."

"I knew there was a reason I liked her." Halay smiled as she watched him place his mask back on. "Don't push yourself too hard." She advised him affectionately before walking in the opposite direction.

"I won't." Jellal answered, looking over his shoulder at the retreating brunette. "Goodnight Halay."

As she began to walk back to her inn, Halay pulled her hair out of the small pony tail it was in. She let out a large yawn as she walked down the dark and silent streets. The moon was shining down on the concrete, illuminating the way back to her inn. She walked without a sound, her mind slowly going through all her thoughts. She mostly thought about Jellal and how their relationship would develop but she had faith that things would work out on its own. She just had to have a little faith.

When she turned the corner onto the familiar street, she saw a dark figure sitting on the steps of her inn. Under the yellow lights, it was easy to spot the familiar brown hair tied into a low ponytail. His teal eyes were on the concrete, clearly thinking deeply about something.

"Arthur?" She called out in confusion as she sped up her walk. Her brother looked up and smiled gently when he saw her. "What are you doing outside my inn?" She asked him as he stood up.

Arthur stared at her for a moment before stuttering out, "This is totally awkward. Sorry, I just needed to speak with you." He said as he scratched his neck awkwardly, clearly nervous.

"Sure." Halay smiled as she placed her hands in her pockets. "I'm all ears."

"Sorry about leaving the medical room early." Arthur sighed deeply.

The Ring Master | Jellal Fernandes [1] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now