34 | Fragile Mind

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No crime ever went past the Magic Council without due punishment. It didn't matter if it was thirteen year old girl with a messed up childhood or a thirty year old man with a god complex, a crime was a crime and punishment was always the way to 'correct' them. The punishment for mass murder? Life imprisonment. Halay knew that the minute she walked into the council building.

With two gentle hands on her thin biceps, the two guards carefully guided her to where the Council room stood. They were scared of her, yes, but they also saw her as the child she was. There was no escaping the prominent scars on her legs, shown by the skirt she was wearing. As they rounded the corner, a figure stood in their way which caused them to stop. Halay's eyes widened in terror.

The blue hair, the red mark, the dark brown eyes, the evil smirk. There was no doubt that this was her friend. No, her old friend. Jellal Fernandes was dead to her but seeing him again did stir up some old feelings in her that she couldn't explain.

"Jellal?" She questioned quietly, almost afraid to speak his name. The guards felt her tense under their hands which made them share a confused and concerned glance.

"I'm sorry, you must be mistaking me for someone else. My name is Siegrain." He introduced, his tone was so fake it almost made the brunette vomit. His face dropped to be serious and glared at the guards. "Leave us." He demanded instantly. The guards obeyed and soon it was only the two of them in the corridor. There was a harsh and uncomfortable since between the two, one that was suffocating Halay. "I believe you knew my twin brother, correct?"

"I didn't know Jellal had a brother." Halay admitted nervously, picking at her nails. She shifted her hands slightly only for the magic cuffs to tighten, she gasped in pain. Siegrain almost smirked at her pain.

"Indeed. You're hair is a beautiful colour," He complimented as he stalked towards her, looping her brown locks around his finger, his breathing fanning across her face. She titled her head away from him uncomfortably. "It almost looks like the dead forest in the middle of winter." He dropped his hand and looked back to the girl, noticing she was looking away from him. He grabbed her chin and gently guided her so she was looking at. He chuckled at the sight of her terror filled face. "Oh, I see what's happening here. You're scared, of me no less. I wonder why that would be."

Halay tried to look away but her head was kept firmly in place by Siegrain. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"See Halay, eyes are windows to the soul and you're eyes, well they scream with terror." He told her sweetly with a sick smile on his face. His hand traveled from her chin to her neck and violently pushed her against the pillar behind them. "If you say a word about the Tower of Heaven to anyone, I will personally hunt you down and slaughter anyone you love." He threatened lowly, revelling in the fact that Halay was struggling to breath. Tears pricked at her eyes as she struggled helplessly.

His hand released her neck and went back to twirling her hair. "You're gorgeous Halay Winters," he told her softly. Halay was speechless, he sounded so honest and kind but she knew that he wasn't. She had to get out her head that this wasn't Jellal, her Jellal was gone. She heard a clicking noise and the cuffs dropped to the floor. She looked up to him to see him walking away, leaving her terrorised. "Have a lovely day."

"Halay dear," a soft voice called out, she turned to see Master Bob beckoning her by a large brown door. "Come here." She complied and quickly took his hand in hers, following behind him as they scaled large steps. Suddenly, they were in front of the Magic Council.

The Ring Master | Jellal Fernandes [1] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now