35 | The Clock Strike

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The wind chimes danced in the gentle breeze outside the farm house. Gentle bird tweets filled the ears of the guild members as they drank. It had been quiet in the guild hall, ever since half of the guild had gone on a mission to retrieve clock pieces, the ones remaining were looking over Halay. In reality, it was just Macao, Wakaba and Kinana but they did their best.

Halay's skin was pale, practically white and she had a high fever. The only reason they knew she wasn't dead was because she kept gripping the white sheets tightly every five minutes. Her breathing was shallow and sweat dropped off her forehead. In order to keep her cool, they had to take off unnecessary clothing like her jacket and the bandage around her arm. To their surprise, a large lump was on her elbow crease. What worried them was the growing black veins that stretched out of them.

Kinana rushed down the stairs, the quick patting of her feet made the two old men look up at her. Her eyes were wide as she breathlessly told them, "She's awake."

Their eyes widened and they soon rushed up the stairs, falling over each other. They slammed the recovery room door open which made the boy in the room look up. Reed, now in his human form, nodded at the two men as his hand was wrapped tightly around Halay's, almost comforting her.

"Halay." Macao breathed in relief, thankful for the fact that their master hadn't died. He was also greatly concerned about the brunette, after all, he knew how out of control Halay's emotions could get. "How do you feel?"

Halay was quiet for a long time, focusing on the pattern Reed was making with his thumb on her skin. She tore her eyes away and pulled her hand out of his grip, bringing it to cover the scar on her arm. "I need a shower." She replied as she gently brushed past them and quietly closed the door. The four guild members in the room shared a confused and concerned looks.

"She really didn't say anything?" Wakaba asked once they had moved back down stairs and to the bar.

Reed shook his head. "Nothing at all."

"It's worrying," Macao stated as he rubbed his hands over his face. "I've never seen her this quiet before."

"Whatever she saw, it really effected her." Reed replied as he crossed his arms over his chest and leant against the railings. "I'm glad I ran into Rose when I did, I had past Polyusica on my way back here so I let Rose and Dimitri join Natsu and Lucy on their journey."

"What did you give her?" Macao asked the blond boy, watching him scratch the yellow ears on his head.

"An antidote. It's a special herb that nullifies hallucinogens." Reed informed the older man. "I can't remember what it's called but it's fancy."

A silence descended onto the three males as they tried to think of what to say next. "What would have happened if you hadn't given it to her?" Wakaba questioned the teenager after a few moments. Reed's expression dropped as he sighed deeply.

"She would have died." He answered truthfully.

Up the stairs, hot steam filled the washroom as Halay rested her head against the cold, tiled wall. Every time she closed her eyes, she'd see everything she desperately wanted to forget. They were simply flashing vividly in her head but she couldn't escape them. She pressed her back against the wall and slowly slid down it, watching the water pool in the gap between her stomach and her legs. The hot water ran over her head, straightening her hair as her eyes welled up with tears. However, she refused to let herself cry.

Her clouded teal eyes drifted from the floor to her arm. The black veins now prominent against her pale and wrinkly skin. She brought her other hand to trace them gently but ended up throwing her head back in pain, gritting her teeth to stop herself from screaming. It hurt, badly.

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