Chapter 1

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Hey everyone, welcome to my first story. I'm not new to Wattpad, I've written stories before on here, but on another account. Maybe I'll drop my other account if you guys are interested in the stories on there. In the mean time, let's get started.


I woke up at the sound of my alarm. It was probably going to be another one of my same boring days. I don't have much variation in my life. I am a 24 year old woman who is ready to take on many challenges the world will throw at me. I'm no daffodil, I don't like to be treated as one either. Many people will judge me based on how I look, but they're all pretty much always wrong. Especially me being a black woman, that puts the cherry on top. Anyway, I need to get ready for work. I got up and turned off my alarm. I stretched a little bit and made my way to the bathroom. 

I did my little morning routine which is boring, but it has to be done. I went downstairs and put on some coffee for myself. I went and looked out the window at the beautiful view I have, the brick wall. I couldn't afford an apartment that has this magnificent view, so we take what we can get boys. I can however, tilt my head and look at the park next door to my apartment building. That's a nice view. I like to see people riding their bikes, or just having a nice stroll. It's nice to be outside, we're all so consumed with technology we can't tell when it's day or night. 

I heard my coffee maker go off, indicating it was done. I poured myself a nice amount and drank it.

"That's awful." I looked at my cup and forgot to put creamer, sugar and whatever else you may put in coffee. "It's going to be one of those days, huh?" I put my coffee mug down and made my way back to the room. I put on my nice work wear, which just consisted of black dress pants, a nice blouse and my flats. 

I worked at a desk job at a tire company. Not the most exciting thing in the world, but it does pay the bills. I don't have the best landlord, but I do have somewhere to sleep, so that's a plus. No, I do not intend to be at a desk job the rest of my life, but this is just the beginning of where I would like to be. Gotta crawl before you walk people. 

I walked downstairs and retrieved my purse, I was deciding if I should remedy my coffee and bring it with me. Yeah, I probably should. I'll regret it later when I'm knocked out sleep at my desk. I put all the necessary goodies in my coffee and took it with me. I walked down the steps to my car in the parking lot and saw some neighbors leaving as well. I didn't really talk to them too much, it was just a casual nice wave or something. I got in my car and began to drive to my work place. It luckily wasn't too far away, about a 20 minute drive, can't complain.

I pulled in and parked in the same spot I do everyday. I get here early enough, so no one is really here to occupy it. I got out and swiped my key card at the door. As I walked in, I smiled at the receptionist and made my way to my cubicle. 

"Hey, Jazmin." I looked at Dylan, who called my name.

"Hey, Dylan. How are you this morning?" He shrugged and leaned back in his desk chair. I'm pretty sure he had a thing for me, but I wasn't about to give into that. 

"I'm okay, same old, same old. How are you?" I smiled.

"Better than ever." He chuckled.

"Is that so." Nope.

"Yes it is." We talked for a while more, then I finally began to start working. I mainly do data entry. Well, that's pretty much the only thing I do, but they may have some other type of work for me. It was an extremely boring job, but like I said before, it does pay the bills. Plus, I won't be here for the rest of my life. The day dragged on and on, I went to reach for my lunch box, but I realized it wasn't there. 

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