Chapter 43: 'Icecream' they scream

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Y/n: " So Miss Politan. First things first, what did you do to the boy you disguised yourself as?" Y/n asked the nervously fidgeting girl. She tried to avoid making eye contact as she mimed hitting something with a club like weapon, than she did movements looking like her dragging something before pointing at the... fridge? Y/n gave her a 'are you serious' kind of look. "Can someone please get Oscar out of the fridge... Oh and bring me a soda while you are there." Ruby rushed to the fridge and upon opening a shivering Oscar fell out. Neo atleast had the decency to look ashamed.

Ruby: "You ok Oscar?" The boy nodded. James came in holding a emergency blanket and wrapped it around Oscars shoulders.

Y/n: "Now back to you Miss Politan, you are aware that you just commited a very big crime by attacking one of my friends?" Neo nodded. "Good, what was your plan?" She began to use sign language.

Neo: "I was hoping to find out where you are keeping Roman." She sighned.

Y/n: "Ah yes, Roman Torchwick, his verdict was life in prison with no right on bail, for all his crimes against the people of Vale and his active role in the Breach. Currently he is being held on the bottom level of The Pit in Atlas." Neo paled. "Yes that Pit, the biggest ,highest secruity prison in all of Remnant. Since you were following us for quite some while and were a companion of Cinder I should just throw you in a cell there too."

Yang: "That would be the best."

Qrow: "Why do I have the feeling there is coming a 'but'." With a smile Y/n cracked open the can of soda.

Y/n: "But, I think I can use your and Romans help. While I already have a good connection to Mistrals underworld I still need eyes and ears in Vales and Atlas'. How about a deal?" Neo looked intrigued. "I can clear your and Romans record, it will be like you never have stolen a single Lien, in exchange for this new chance at life you will be my eyes and ears in Vales underground, you will tell me everything that is going on. There will be a testing phase so to say, I can't just simply set you free without making sure you will hold your side of the deal. Therefore both you and Roman will wear this." A light appeared in Y/ns hand and two bracelets appeared in Y/ns hand. "They will tell me and Ironwood your location at any time, they also double as electro shockers, go against the rules any a paralyzing current will go straight through your body, try taking it off without my permission, same thing happenes." Neo thought about it for a moment before signing something. "What are the rules? First, no commiting of crimes, that is a given. Second, no leaving Vale, just to make sure you are not giving information to the enemy. Third, no using your Semblance to impersonate someone else. These are the rules on my side."

Neo: "If I agree you will free Roman of all charges?" she asked.

Y/n: "Indeed and all your charges will also be dropped. Additionally I might even consider hiring you as bodyguards and advisors. So what do you say... sign?"

Neo: "I need some time." Y/n smiled gently and nodded.

Ironwood: "I will have my men watch other her until we arrive back at HQ." Ironwood says. Two soldiers from the group that was aiming their rifles at Neo grabbed her and escorted her out. Y/n leaned back and sighed.

Phyrra: "Anything on your mind?" Phyrra asked gently as she sat down next to him leaning against him.

Y/n: "We are reaching the end. Sooner or later we are going to come face to face with Salem." Y/n began. "I can't say what will happen once we fight. But that is not what concerns me..." Y/n closed his eyes. "What will happen if we lose is easy to answer. But what if we win?" The question confused the group.

Weiss: "Remnant will have peace."

Y/n: "There will still be the problematic relationship between humans and faunus."

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