Chapter 6

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My eyes move over the scrapes, bruises, and cuts that litter different parts of my body as I stand in front of the bathroom mirror.

My right eye looks the worst; the inner part of my eye is a dark pink color and practically swollen shut. The skin around my eye hurts to touch. My eyes travel down to my neck, where I can see finger-like bruising around my throat. I move my own fingers over the bruises and hiss quietly as the pain stops me from continuing.

My arms, upper back, and neck have scrapes and cuts from the broken mirror shards on the floor when I fell. There is also bruising forming on my stomach from the kick I received. I let out a heavy sigh as I turn to get into the tub.

A smile comes to my face as I realize JP used a bath bomb while running the water; the aromatic scent of lavender and vanilla is calming and alluring.

I slowly step into the tub, the hot water feels amazing, and I can feel my muscles relaxing as I submerge myself further into the tub. But then I feel the searing pain from all the cuts and scrapes. So I take a few deep breaths and wait for the stinging to go away.

I close my eyes, and the images of what happened today play through my mind. I can't believe someone attacked me, but why me? Could it be the same people who killed my mamma all those years ago?

The conversations in my Uncle's office go through my head again. They have an idea of who is behind it but don't want me to know yet. I'll have to see what I can get out of JP later.

I sit a while longer, feeling myself drifting to sleep, but as the water starts to lose its warmth, I rinse off and jump in the shower.

Afterward, as I'm putting lotion on, my stomach growls loudly, reminding me of how little I ate today. I only had granola and yogurt this morning, and now I'm starving.

I dress as quickly as possible, but some movements from the pain in my stomach--limit me. I put on sweats with a plain black tank top and slip on my favorite fuzzy slippers. I brush my hair and french braid it back, then make my way down to the kitchen.

Once I'm on the main floor, I hear voices coming from the kitchen and dining room. I brace myself knowing some of my Uncle's men are in there eating dinner or at least finishing up. Taking a deep breath in and out, I walk in, and all the chatter stops as soon as they see me; most of the men stand.

My face heats up from the unwanted attention.

Carmela approaches slowly, tears in her eyes, and wraps me up in her small arms, being gentle, afraid to cause me pain. She softly kisses my cheek. I hug her back tightly and tell her I'm fine, using JP's joke from earlier. "You should see the other guy," I laugh weakly.

"You mean guys, princess" JP's deep voice cuts in, and I look over at him, leaning against the counter, smirking.

He answers my confused look. "You got some good hits on Jimmy too, Buffy." He jokes, pointing his chin over to the corner of the large dining room near the kitchen; the men laugh at his joke.

I follow his gaze and see Jimmy slumped down at the table eating while wearing sunglasses and a hooded sweatshirt. I walk over and stand in front of Jimmy. I take his glasses off and take in a sharp breath, as I am shocked to see he's got a black eye and other bruises on his face.

Jimmy stands, looking regretful. "You didn't know it was me. I shouldn't have tried to stop you when you were trying to run down the stairwell."

I repeatedly apologize to him, but he reassures me that he's okay and that I shouldn't keep apologizing, telling me he's glad I fought to get away, thinking it was the attacker or someone else. I give him a small hug in thanks.

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