Chapter 36

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I'm shocked the next day when my Uncle has me meet him in his office, to inform me that he wants me to go with Annalisa, to visit her brother. He tells me I shouldn't spend the summer staying in, cooped up in the house, and even said, "the California sun will do you good."

Not to mention, he offered his other private jet for us to use, which Annalisa will love. My shocked expression must have been evident as he continues with his usual, "But you'll have someone with you at all times, of course."

I'm relieved when he tells me Joey is unavailable as he has time off scheduled to visit family this coming weekend, so instead, Tobias and Jimmy will be traveling with us.

I'm still in his office when I decide to try to find out how long JP will be in Chicago; obviously, I can't rely on JP to tell me, himself.

"Um, you know when JP will be coming back?" I ask, trying to act casual, while I look at the collection of books in his office.

"Tomorrow. After you leave, didn't he tell you?" He asks me while he goes over a stack of papers on his desk.

"I haven't talked to him much this week; I assumed he was busy with whatever he's doing," I answer.

"Yes, busy he is," My Uncle sighs, "he went in my place to several meetings I had in Chicago this week. I'm surprised JP didn't tell you he'd be coming home, though. Is everything okay with you two?"

I whirl around quickly. Suddenly nervous about why he's asking, I hit a bookend with my hand, accidentally knocking over a few books.

"Yes, everything's fine. Why do you ask?" I bend down to pick up the books hastily. I don't know why I'm panicking about my Uncle knowing something is going on between JP and me.

"No reason, but this is probably the longest you two have been away from each other. And with everything that's happened, I'm sure it must be hard on you if you haven't been able to talk to JP. I know you two have a close bond, and I'm pleased and grateful he's been someone you can go to and lean on when you need to."

I look at him as I slowly stand to put the books back on the shelf. "Yes, JP's my best friend. I don't know how I would have gotten through with...what happened to Pop without him." I tell him truthfully.

"John Paul is a good young man, with a good head on his shoulders. I'm grateful for his loyalty and his following in his father's footsteps." He tells me with a proud look on his face, but I frown in return.

"He does have goals or did outside of this, you know." I gesture to the room. My Uncle's confused expression only angers me more.

"JP wants to travel to engineer water irrigation systems, to make clean water more accessible, to rural villages and cities in third world countries. Also, he wants to help build different structures here in New York for housing developments to become more economical, efficient, and sustainable.

But you wouldn't know this because you never bothered to ask him, did you? JP's been groomed to follow in Tony's footsteps since he was a child, even though he's meant for much bigger things in life, other than just becoming someone's lackey."

My Uncle stands and walks over to me; he looks upset but not angry. "Charmaine, if he didn't want to do what I've asked of him, no one would think less of him."

I scoff, turning away from him. "You don't know your Underboss that well then," I mutter.

"I'll talk to JP and Ton—" He starts to say.

But I turn around quickly and grab his arm, shaking my head. "No! Don't. I don't want to cause an issue between them, more than there already is, please, Uncle." I beg him. The last thing I want is to be the reason why the wedge between their rocky relationship grows even bigger.

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