Chapter 8

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Y/N went to Ms. Im's office after her last class ended so that they can go to teach those kids.

"Ah Y/N you're here already. Just give me a minute." Nayeon said while grabbing her stuff and jacket.

"Let's go." They walked towards Ms. Im's car which was parked in the school parking. Y/N made sure that no one saw them before entering since she doesn't want rumors to be spread.

They were driving for around 5 minutes now and Y/N felt uncomfortable. Who wouldn't feel uncomfortable in their teacher's car?

"You don't have to be so uncomfortable Y/N." Nayeon said after she noticed Y/N being very tense.

"I can't help it, sorry." Y/N sighed.

"There will be around 10 kids, most of the time we divide the group in two and I teach 5 of them and Sana, I mean Ms. Minatozaki teaches the other 5. Do you think you'll be able to handle 5 of them?" 5??? Y/N can't even handle one how is she going to handle 5 of them?

"I don't even think I can handle one. Kids hate me and I don't particularly like them either. Kids make me nervous." Y/N admitted.

"You'll be fine, the kids are nice and calm they're not troublemakers like you." Ms. Im smirked.

"I've been trying to behave for the past few days." Y/N doesn't know why she's trying to behave lately, but Ms. Im makes her want to behave.

"I know, I noticed. You're doing a great job Y/N-ie. Keep it going." The teacher smiled and Y/N swears she melted when she saw Nayeon smile. 

"We've arrived, let's go." They went out of the car and went towards Nayeon's apartment. When they entered, Y/N started to look around. It was a big apartment and she liked it a lot.

"You have a nice place, seongsaengnim."

"Thank you. The kids should arrive in about 10 minutes. I'll explain to you what you have to do. But first of all do not curse in front of the kids and don't fight with them, okay?" Nayeon explained everything that Y/N has to do. Y/N grew more and more nervous as time passed by.

"Ah, they're here." Nayeon informed as the bell rang and she opened the door. The parents left their kids and Y/N didn't know what to do. How do you even talk to kids? She hasn't had an interaction with a child since forever.

"Kids, this is Y/N. She will be filling in for Ms. Sana today since she's sick. Be nice to her." And there Y/N was left with 5 kids in front of her while Nayeon took the other kids to the other side of the room. Surprisingly it all went well. The kids listened to Y/N very well and the kids seem to like Y/N. 

"We've actually done everything Ms. Nayeon asked us to do, but there's still 10 minutes left. So let's just pretend we're working yeah?" Y/N wouldn't be Y/N if she didn't bring at least a little bit of bad influence to the table. 

"Is Ms. Nayeon your girlfriend?" One of the kids asked and Y/N's eyes widened.

"Girlfriend? No, no, no." She shook her head.

"Why? She is pretty, you should ask her to be your girlfriend. You keep looking at her." Another kid said and that made Y/N turn her head to the other direction where Nayeon was sitting.

"She really is pretty." Y/N nodded looking at her teacher and Nayeon noticed it. Nayeon saw how the kids were having fun with Y/N. Honestly Nayeon was really worried ,she knows Y/N isn't very socially capable. She was scared that this would go out of hand but surprisingly Y/N did very well. Nayeon sees a new side of  Y/N everyday and the more she sees of her student the less she thinks Y/N is a bad person. 

"Then why are you not asking her to be your girlfriend?" The little boy asked.

"Because she's my teacher. I can't ask something like that to my teacher." Y/N shook her head. But why did she feel a little bit sad when she said that?

"Then can I ask her to be my girlfriend?" A little boy asked which made Y/N chuckle.

"Sure, you can try but I don't know what she thinks about little boys." After ten minutes all the kids were gone and now it was just Y/N and Nayeon left in the apartment. 

"Here is your money, Y/N." Nayeon handed her some cash, Y/N looked at it and her eyes widened.

"Isn't this too much?" It was twice as much from what she earns at the coffee shop.

"No, see it as a thank you gift. You really saved me today and you did a good job as well. The kids seem to like you." Nayeon patted Y/N's shoulder.

"The kids were surprisingly bearable. I'm surprised myself that I didn't get mad at all." Y/N is changing, she's becoming a nicer person. Or maybe she's not changing at all and was whatever she was portraying to be until now all just an act.

"I should get going now, it's late." Y/N was about to walk away but Nayeon stopped her.

"I'll give you a ride." 

"Oh no no, I'll go myself. It isn't that far anyways." Y/N shook her head. Honestly she just doesn't want Nayeon to see where she lives because she's poor and lives in what you can call a shithole.

"Y/N it's dark outside, there's no way I'm letting you go by yourself." Nayeon grabbed her keys and grabbed Y/N's arm pulling her towards her car. Y/N glanced at her teacher's hand on her arm and she suddenly felt her heart beat faster. 

The drive was silent but it wasn't uncomfortable like it was before. Y/N told Nayeon where she lives but she didn't tell her the right address. She told her another address that's close to where she lives since she doesn't want Nayeon to know it.

"Is it here?"

"Yes, you can stop here. Thank you for the ride, seongsaengnim." Y/N smiled weakly.

"No problem, Y/N-ie." Nayeon said and kissed Y/N's cheek. Nayeon doesn't know why she did that, but she couldn't stop herself from doing that. Y/N was in shock, her heart suddenly started racing and she became nervous.

"Euhm, I-I'll get going now." Y/N said and left the car as fast as possible.

"Fuck, I shouldn't have done that." Nayeon said to herself and drove herself back home.

- I'm sorry Y/N, I didn't mean to do that - Nayeon

- How did you get my number? (Y/N)

- I may or may not have looked into your file (Nayeon)

- It's okay seongsaengnim, let's just forget about it (Y/N)

Truth is neither of them could stop thinking about that little skinship they had all night.


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