Chapter 32

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After school Y/N went to work as usual, but her mind is not at work right now. She keeps thinking about what happened today. Nayeon seemed really hurt and mad about Y/N lying to her. So instead of focusing on work, Y/N kept thinking on how to fix the mess she caused.

After work the student decided to go to Nayeon's appartment. They need to talk about what happened. Y/N won't be able to sleep unless she fixes this. It's already 9pm and Y/N is in front of Nayeon's appartment right now. Y/N was hesitant about if she should knock or not. What if Nayeon breaks up with her? What if she doesn't forgive her? Then it would all be over for Y/N. She can't manage to lose her lover.

Y/N gathered up all her courage and knocked on the door. After about 20 seconds Nayeon opened it but when she saw who was behind the door, she slammed the door shut.

"Unnie, please... Let me talk to you." Y/N pleaded from behind the door. Ever since Nayeon came back home, she's been thinking about her relationship with Y/N. Ever since the article got released Y/N has been acting different. It's like she isn't herself. Nayeon keeps seeing a new side of the younger and she's worried. Worried that the younger will do something wrong but also worried that she won't be able to handle her. Nayeon always told herself that she can deal with Y/N, even though most people can't. But it's getting harder and harder each day.

Y/N kept knocking and pleading. She won't leave until Nayeon opens the door. So Nayeon finally opened but she didn't even spare a glance at Y/N and walked back to the couch. The student entered and closed the door behind her.

"I need to talk to you." Y/N informed.

"I don't have anything to say to you." Nayeon was about to leave but Y/N held her arm stopping her.

"Please, just hear me out."

"Fine. You have 5 minutes." The older answered and sat on the couch, Y/N sitting next to her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."

"I'm sick of hearing you say sorry. You always say sorry but keep doing things wrong." Nayeon said harshly.

"I know, I'm fucking stupid. I didn't want to tell you about Sana because I was scared. I was scared that you we're going to think that there's still something going on between us or that you wouldn't want to date me because I dated your best friend in the past."

"You not telling me, gives the impression that there is still something going on between you two. Don't you think?" I mean why would she hide it if there's nothing going on between them?

"I know it may look that way, but there's really nothing left of those feelings. My feelings for her are completely gone and it's the same for her feelings."

"Why did you lie about that tattoo?" 

"I didn't want you to think that I am a gang member, because I'm not." 

"Then why the fuck do you have that tattoo?" Nayeon is really starting to think that Y/N is actually a gangster. I mean she did live in that neighbourhood and she also has their signature tattoo.

"My dad tattooed it on me when I was a kid. He wanted everyone to know that I come from a gangster family." Y/N replied.

"That doesn't make sense. You haven't seen your father in 7 years. Did he tattoo it on you when you were 7? I can't believe that you continue to lie to me."

"I'm not lying! I was 10 when he put that tattoo on me. I already told you that he's a psychopath. I didn't want that tattoo. I cried and I cried but he still put it on me!"

"Even if you're telling me the truth, how am I supposed to believe you after all those lies?? How am I supposed to trust you again?" Nayeon started yelling as she stood up.

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