Chapter 11

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School just ended and Y/N joined her friends to get some drinks.

"Y/N, we're gonna hang out this saturday, join us." Momo said.

"I need to work." When Y/N told Chaeyoung about her job she also told the others about it. They're all relieved that Y/N just has a job and is not doing some illegal stuff in her free time.

"You always work. Take a day off." Tzuyu suggested.

"Yeah, you work all the time. I thought you were rich. What do you need the money for?" Dahyun asked curiously.

"I'm not rich, why would you think I'm rich?" 

"Everyone at school thinks you're rich. You give off the rich girl vibes." Y/N knows that people at school think she's rich, but she doesn't get why. She has never said that she's rich, she also never has showed something that would indicate that she has a lot of money. She doesn't have a car nor does she wear expensive clothes.

 "I'll take a day off if that's going to make you guys happy." Y/N announced and everyone cheered. It's been a while since all of them hung out together so they're glad Y/N is finally joining.

"I need to go to work now though." Y/N stood up and took her wallet to leave some money behind so that her friends can pay for her drink but Mina stopped her.

"Don't worry about it, it's on me." Mina smiled and Y/N was thankful. She is low on money right now, well she's always low on money.


Y/N got to work and was about to change into her uniform when her boss suddenly approached her.

"Y/N can you come into my office?" Mr. Kang asked and the employee nodded. Y/N has a bad feeling about this.

"What is it, Mr. Kang?" 

"I got a complaint about you again." He sighed. "This is the fifth time that I'm getting a complaint about you Y/N. You promised that you weren't going to cause trouble again but you keep doing it." 

"I'm sorry sir. It's just that these customers keep challenging me because they know I get mad easily." 

"I'm sorry Y/N, I've warned you two times already. You can't keep working here." He shook his head. Y/N was one of his best employees but she is chasing his customers away.

"W-what do you mean?" Please don't say it, please don't say it.

"You're fired." He announced and Y/N felt her knees weaken.

"No, no, no. Please, don't fire me, Mr. Kang. I need this job, you know that I'm not doing well financially."

"I know Y/N but I can't help you anymore. How long are you going to keep this up anyways? You know that you're not going to last very long with this lifestyle. You need to change something." He was right but Y/N still got mad and got out of the room. Before she left the coffee shop she kicked a table which made all the customers look at her.


Y/N arrived home after she got fired. Can you even call it a home? It's a shithole. It's a small room with just a bed and nothing else, she has a broken toilet and a broken shower. She's lucky that she has electricity and water most of the days, but that's not always the case. 

She's angry, angry that she has to live in conditions like this. She never wanted this nor did she deserve to live like this at such a young age. She barely made it with the money she got from the coffee shop but now that she doesn't have a job anymore, how is she going to survive? 

"Y/N open the door!" Someone yelled while knocking harshly on the door. She already knew that it was the landlord. He's been asking her to pay the rent for a few days now.

"Don't knock like that, you're gonna break the door." 

"Where is my rent? You said you were going to pay yesterday." 

"How dare you ask me for rent when you're making me live in a shithole like this??" Y/N is already annoyed with everything that has happened at work, she doesn't need this landlord complaining about his money right now.

"If you don't like it then leave. You and I both know you have nowhere else to go. You should be grateful that I took you in when no one else would."

"Fine, here, here is your money." Y/N said handing him the money and he left. That was the last money she had, she has nothing anymore. She needs to find a new job as soon as possible.


Nayeon was teaching her class as usual, but she noticed Y/N being quiet. Y/N didn't even look once at Nayeon during class. The class ended and Y/N was rushing to leave the class, but Ms. Im asked her to stay back so she did. Nayeon made sure to close the door and lock it before she approached Y/N.

"Are you okay? You seem a little bit off today." 

"I'm okay." Y/N lied.

"Please don't lie to me Y/N. You know you can tell me anything." The teacher said holding Y/N's arm.

"I already told you that we should keep our distance. I'm not going to repeat myself." Y/N said putting Nayeon's hand away from her arm.

"I can't keep my distance because I'm worried about you. You're obviously not okay." 

"Why do you even care, huh? Why are you always trying to help me when I never even asked for your help? Just leave me the fuck alone. I don't need your help and I don't need you to be worried about me." Y/N is angry at herself and she does what she always does. Letting her anger out on people that care about her.

"Stop being an asshole Y/N. Why do you keep pushing away people that care about you?" Nayeon is also getting angry. They were doing perfectly fine. Why is her student suddenly acting like this?

"Because I don't want them to care about me. Like you said I'm a fucking asshole, why would you care about me, huh?" 

"Because I know that you're not a bad person! I know that this is all an act. You're not the person that you're portraying to be and I'm just trying to bring out the real Y/N!" Y/N shook her head.

"Stop trying to fucking change me! This is who I am. I am a fucking jerk who has anger issues and that's the truth. If you can't deal with it just leave me alone. Don't try to change me because this is who I am. You're just my teacher, you don't have the right to interfere with my life like that." 

"I do have the right because I care about you! Even if you're acting like an asshole all the time I still care about you and I won't stop caring about you! What is wrong with you? Why are you suddenly being like this?" 

"If you thought that I was changing my personality for you then you're wrong. I was just trying to be nice to you because you saved me from getting expelled and because I felt like you could get me in trouble easily. Don't think that I was nice to you because I like you as a teacher, I don't." Y/N said in a calm tone and left the room. Nayeon was left speechless. Even though she knows that Y/N didn't mean those words, they still hurt her. 

Nayeon kept thinking about Y/N's words. She hates Y/N for saying things like that to her yet she can't stop thinking about the student. Y/N's actions are very different from her words and it's confusing Nayeon. 


Another updatee. I'm glad you guys like this story, it makes me very happyyyy.

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