Chapter 23

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"Aish, where did she go? How are we going to find her?" Tzuyu asked as they were looking for Y/N.

"I think I have an idea on where she might be. She always goes to this one place when she's mad or sad." Chaeyoung said and they followed her. Ten minutes later they arrived at Han river.

"Just look around here, I think she's here somewhere." Chaeyoung informed and they split up to find Y/N. Mina was the one that found Y/N. She texted the rest that she found her. Y/N was walking back and forth and it looked like she was losing her mind.

"Are you stupid? You should've hit him. Why did you walk away? Are you that weak? Are you that low?" Ever since Y/N left the cafe she's been hearing her father's voice in her head saying things like these. It's driving her crazy. 

"STOOOP, Shut the fuck up!" Y/N yelled as she held her head and walked back and forth very fast. Mina was surprised. She didn't know what was going on. No one was talking so who was she telling to shut up? 

"Go punch him. Teach him a lesson. Are you going to let him get away with this?"

"Go away!" Y/N sat down on a bench as she kept holding her head. She's trying very hard not to listen to him. In the past she always did, that's why she always got into trouble and hurt people. Lately she's been trying very hard to ignore that voice, but it's driving her crazy. The more she ignores it the intenser it gets. 

"Y/N, Y/N look at me." Mina couldn't stand seeing Y/N like this. It was like she was losing her mind so Mina approached her on the bench. She kneeled down and grabbed Y/N's hands. Y/N was breathing heavily, she was obviously not okay.

"It's me, Mina, you're okay. I'm here. Breathe okay, breathe slowly." With that Y/N started to breathe a bit slower. It took Mina about 10 minutes to calm her friend down but she succeeded.

"Jungkook really gets the worst out of you, doesn't he?" Mina sat down next to Y/N after the girl calmed down.

"He does. He bothered me all the time when I was with Minju. Now he stopped bothering me, but is bothering Minju. I fucking wanna break his neck."

"Why did you run away, though? You're not the type that runs away after a fight." Mina asked and when she looked behind her she saw Chaeyoung and Tzuyu approaching but she gestured them to stay back, which they did. They were standing behind and listening to Mina and Y/N's conversation.

"I don't know. I really don't fucking know." Y/N sighed. She hates herself for staying silent after the guy accused her and Ms. Im for being more than friends. She should've denied it, but she didn't.

"Is it because of Minju or because of Ms. Im?" 

"I don't wanna talk about it, Mina." Y/N really isn't the type of girl to tell others whats bothering her. The fact that she told her friends about her past is already a very big thing.

"Okay. You don't have to. What was happening just now? Were you having a panic attack?"

"Remember how I told you earlier in the cafe that I keep hearing voices telling me to do bad things?" Mina nodded.

"They were talking to me just now, telling me to go back and teach Jungkook a lesson. It was my father's voice this time. It's driving me crazy."

"Y/N, that's so fucked up. I wish I could help." Mina really wants to help, but she doesn't know how.

"Can we go for a drink? I know Chaeyoung and Tzuyu are standing behind us. I can hear them whispering." The two stopped whispering and approached the two girls that were having a conversation.

"You really wanna go for a drink?" Tzuyu asked. They weren't sure whether Y/N was joking or not. She has never asked to go for a drink.

"Yes, I wanna take my mind off of things."

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