Chapter 15

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Jeongyeon has her first class in five minutes and she's very nervous about it. She hopes that the students will like her and that she'll be able to teach them well. Jeongyeon was looking for a new school anyways, since she didn't like the previous school where she was teaching. When Jihyo asked her to fill in for Mr. Kang she didn't hesitate. Now she has a job, even if it's just for a month. But this way she can also win Nayeon back. She knows that Nayeon doesn't even want to see her face after that night but Jeongyeon knows that her ex-girlfriend will eventually forgive her. Jeongyeon jut needs to show her how sorry she is.

All the students were already in class when Ms. Yoo Jeongyeon walked in. Jeongyeon has a pretty strong aura so when she walked in all the students stopped talking, except for two students in the back. So Jeongyeon hit the board a couple of times to grab their attention and it worked, but when she saw the student she became speechless. It was the girl that broke her nose. The girl that stopped her from taking Nayeon with her. She's a student??

Y/N didn't even notice that Jeongyeon was standing in front of the class since she didn't even look at the teacher because she was too busy arguing with Chaeyoung. 

"I'm your new geography teacher. I will be filling in for Mr. Kang for the upcoming month. My name is Yoo Jeongyeon, you can call me Ms. Yoo." And that suddenly rang a bell in Y/N's head. She looked up to see the teacher's face and her fist suddenly clenched. What the hell is she doing here?

Jeongyeon and Y/N locked eyes and both of them were glaring at each other without saying a word. The students in class didn't really think much of it since this happens with Y/N and teachers all the time.

"What's your name?" Jeongyeon asked walking closer to Y/N. 

"Choi Y/N is the name." Y/N's fist clenched even harder. She remembered how her new geography teacher tried to hurt her English teacher. It makes her angry.

"Stop talking so that I can start my class, yeah?" Jeongyeon can't believe that she got her nose broken by a kid. 

Mina and Chaeyoung looked at each other and they knew something was wrong. Even though Y/N loves to annoy new teachers, this felt different. It felt like the two already knew each other, and probably don't have good history either since they both keep glaring at each other and Y/N looks very angry as well. So Mina decided to ask Y/N when Ms. Yoo was busy trying to write something on the board.

"Y/N, do you know the teacher? You keep glaring at her." Mina whispered.

"Yes, I know her." Y/N simply answered, shaking her legs, which is something she does whenever she's angry or anxious.

"Really? How do you know her?" Chaeyoung joined the conversation since the three of them weren't sitting far from each other.

"I stopped her from harassing her ex-girlfriend." Mina and Chaeyoung's eyes widened. What the hell?

"Didn't I ask you to stop talking? You're disturbing my class." Jeongyeon glared again.

"What if I don't stop? What are you going to do? Harass me as well?" Y/N raised her eyebrows. The students were all confused by Y/N's words. What the hell is happening?

"I've never harassed anyone. So how about you shut up and let me continue my lesson?" Y/N chuckled. This woman is annoying the shit out of her. Y/N is having trouble controlling her anger and Chaeyoung noticed it so she tried to calm her down by grabbing her hand, which is something that helps. 

"I'm afraid that I can't do that, so I'd rather just leave." Y/N said standing up and packed her stuff.

"If you leave this class, I'll tell the principal." Jeongyeon threatened.

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