Chapter 33

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"Unnie? Why are you crying?" Y/N asked when she opened the front door and was met with her crying girlfriend. The teacher looks like a mess. Nayeon didn't answer Y/N's question and pushed her aside entering the apartment.

Y/N knows that the older is here to scold her for beating up Jungkook. But why is she crying? She wasn't crying at the police station. Something else must be going on.

"Tell me it's not true." Nayeon said weakly. 

"What are you talking about?" 

"Tell me it's not true!" The older yelled and hit Y/N's shoulder. 

"Tell you what??" Y/N is confused. What is Nayeon talking about?

"Did you run over Jungkook's dad?" Nayeon actually stopped crying for a while but now thinking about it makes her cry again. Y/N stood there speechless. How did she find out? Jungkook must've told her. There's no point at lying now, so she just kept silent. How will she admit that she did it? Ever since Jungkook reminded her of what happened she's been thinking about it non stop. She's a monster and she knows it. Jungkook reminding her knocked some sense into her. But it's too late now. The damage has already been caused.

"Answer me!" Y/N just looked away. She can't look her girlfriend in the eyes out of shame.

"I'm sorry." Were the only things that came out from the younger's mouth.

"No, no, no. You're lying right? You're joking right? This can't be true. You wouldn't do something like that right?" 

"I didn't know that I did it until yesterday." Y/N sighed.

"What do you mean you didn't know? What kind of bullshit is that? Why were you fucking driving with no license and not to mention you were underage as well!"

"I used to drive around a lot. I knew I hit something but it was dark, I didn't see it. I didn't want to get in trouble so I just drove away without looking behind." Y/N explained. This is a lot worse. Yes, accidents can happen but what Y/N did, was wrong in so many ways. 

"H-how couldn't you at least take a look? Are you that selfish?" Nayeon said crying harder. It breaks Y/N's heart to see her like this.

"How much more did you do that I don't know about huh? how much more are you fucking hiding from me?" 

"It's all in the past. Why do you care so much about what I did in the past?"  Y/N raised her voice.

"Are you fucking serious?? This isn't about what you only did in the past but what you're doing now as well. You beat up Jungkook and ended up in a police station! Have you seen how bad he looks? You could've fucking killed him! What would've happened if you had killed him, huh?" 

"I can't fucking control it! And you know that. I've said it many times. I don't want to do the things that I do, but I just can't control it!" It's the same excuse Y/N always uses whenever she does something wrong. The older is sick of hearing it.

"Then what are you planning to do with that anger of yours? Are you waiting for you to end up killing someone? Or are you waiting for you to end up in jail? You're ruining your fucking life, Y/N!" It seems like Y/N is getting worse, so it won't be a surprise anymore if she ends up doing one of the two things Nayeon mentioned.

"You're becoming a monster, can't you see it? I thought you didn't want to end up like your dad, but you're going in that exact same direction." Nayeon said weakly.

"I'm not becoming a monster. I AM a fucking monster. I've always been a monster! It's in my fucking blood to be a psychopath like that father of mine. So how can I not be a monster!?" At this point Y/N has also started crying.

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