Chapter 29

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Y/N is in Nayeon's class right now. They don't even glance at each other because they don't want to arise more suspicions than they already have. Y/N moved out from Nayeon's place a few days ago so she's living with Tiffany now. Tiffany is pretty okay, Y/N was worried at first because she annoyed the shit out of her but surprisingly the guardian knows how to deal with Y/N. She doesn't interfere with her life that much and doesn't disturb her either, which Y/N is very thankful for.

"I want you guys to complete this exercise. I'll give you 5 minutes." Nayeon said and sat down waiting for her students to finish. She was grading some assignments while waiting when her phone suddenly vibrated. She looked at the message and it was from Y/N.

Are you free after school? I wanna show you something. (Y/N)

Yeah, I'm free. But you shouldn't be on your phone during class Choi Y/N. Nayeon texted as she glanced at her student who was texting under her desk so that people couldn't see.

Are you going to give me detention, seongsaengnim? Y/N smirked.

Do the exercise. You're distracting me. (Nayeon) Y/N smiled weakly and did what she was told.


After school Nayeon met up with Y/N. Of course they met somewhere far away from school grounds. They can't risk anyone seeing them. They haven't even gone on a date yet because someone might see them.

"Where are we going?" Nayeon asked as they walked.

"Just follow me. I want you to meet someone special." Someone special? Y/N has never mentioned someone special, who is she talking about?

"We're almost there babe. Be patient." Y/N smiled when she noticed that her girlfriend kept sighing. 

"Yah, how can I be patient when you're not telling me where we're going? Are you kidnapping me Choi Y/N?" Y/N laughed at the ridiculous statement Nayeon made.

"Stop laughing!" Nayeon hit Y/N's head lightly.

"Alright, alright we're here." Nayeon looked around and they were at the cemetry?

"What are we doing here?" Nayeon asked. She has no idea why they're here.

"Come with me." Y/N said and grabbed Nayeon's hand. No one is around here anyways.

"I want you to meet my mom." Y/N said as she stopped in front of the grave of her mom. 

"Oh my God Y/N, why didn't you tell me we were coming here?" Y/N didn't answer and went closer to her mom's grave. 

"Hey mom. I'm sorry I haven't visited in a long time. But I brought someone you probably want to meet. Her name is Nayeon. She's my girlfriend." Y/N said as she bend down and Nayeon went closer as well.

"I know you're probably not very fond of this relationship, since she's my teacher. But I know that you still would have supported me if you were here. I remember you telling me that I should do whatever makes me happy and she makes me happy." Y/N smiled weakly. Nayeon just kept looking at Y/N. It's rare to see Y/N emotional like this and it breaks her heart. 

"Remember the last time I came here I told you that I wanted to give up? That I wanted to come to you and be next to you. But a couple of days later I actually met Nayeon unnie, It was like the universe sent an angel to save me." Nayeon's mouth widened. She didn't know there was a time that Y/N wanted to give up on living.

"I bet you're disappointed with the way I turned out to be. You probably hate the fact that I ressemble my dad more than I do you, but I promise that will change. I will make you proud of me. I don't wanna be like him, I wanna be like you. You don't deserve to be lying here. I wish you were here. I wish you could scold me and yell at me for doing bad things. I really need you mom. Even though you're not here, I can feel your presence sometimes. I know you're watching over me." Y/N sighed.

I Need You To Hate Me // Im Nayeon X  ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon