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Amir had been confronting me ever since he came back from the hospital today. Amir was my senior brother but my mom loved him more than she ever loved me, did she even love me? I doubt! at least that exactly how it was and because of that I took in drinking and smoking and I had stopped praying because I was always in clubs or party.

I felt since nobody cared about me. Making some friends won't hurt, so I kept making friends till I met Aisha one day when I went out with my Friends! To be sincere Aisha was an epitome of beauty with all the shapes and curves at the right proportion.

My friends and I we're hungry and had decided to drop by somewhere to pick some snacks when I met her with her friends. Not like she was the most beautiful but she was all that my heart yearn for at that time.

After lustfully staring at her for a while. My friends had nudged me to talk to her which I did, firstly! I didn't want to go because being rejected was something that depresses me most but after imagining her with another man other than me, I masked courage and approached her.

After a little chattering with her. I walked up to my friends with a frown plastered on my face, my friends had felt bad and even wanted to go confront her On why she turned me down but I turned my phone to them and plastered a big smile on my face! (Nasami number ta) "I got her number," I said as they kept cheering and hugging me.

After 1month of being in a relationship with the first love of my life which was Aisha. I had stopped drinking, smoking or going to club and I have started observing my prayers since Aisha sometimes call to remind me! My mum had become a bit closer to me too and my life felt like it was perfect again.

I figured that God most have sent an angel to me in human form, right?

2month of being in a relationship with Aisha was like the best gift Allah had given me and I had decided to tie the knot and make her mine forever. On a Saturday I had asked my brother and friends, including my mum for help on how to propose to Aisha.

I wanted it to be the best proposal and after everything had been set up by the people that cared about me. I knew it was going to be the best for Aisha, that evening after proposing to her she had said "yes," she saying yes had made me the happiest man on earth.

My mum had met her parent for the needed preparation for our wedding and things where going well until one week to our wedding and it was called off because one of her brothers friend had told him about my past ways. I had sworn all that I could but they couldn't believe I was changed and they weren't going to give their daughter to me because they believed once a bad person was always going to be that person.

Loosing Aisha had made me return to my old ways of drinking and smoking. It even got worst and I started robbing People for pleasure, not that I used the money for anything! I just felt it eased my stress and thinking! Sometimes I even end up sleeping with prostitute who looked like Aisha when I was drunk.

I loved Aisha and I was going to get her.

I was still planning on how to get Aisha when news came to me that she was married and had flew to France with her husband. I had been drinking and crying my eyes out till on a sunny day after drinking so much, I had decided to go downstairs.

And I met a figure and face like Aisha. I was surprised on why she was in my parlor, did she come to elope with me. I didn't want her parent to reject me again and I needed them to agree no matter what! So I noticed Amir telling them to take a drink to the love of my life.

I knew he was a good brother to entertain her before she ask of me. Immediately he left I asked the lady to get me something before putting some drugs in her drink.

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