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I had left Amal at home to go finish up the rest of my work in the office before we left for our trip. I stopped by the ice cream shop to get her some, I drove inside the compound. "Asalamualiakum," I said before entering the house. The beautiful scent of food filled the air.

I entered the kitchen to see Amal dressed in nice and yet enticing clothing and for some reason, my heart was thumping really hard. Her phone began to ring as she picked it up. "Surrayah, why haven't you been picking up? I don't know if he would like what I had prepared." she let out as a blush swept my face. She seemed worried and at the same time still cute.

"You can't say that surayyah, I'm going to be really embarrassed if he could cook more than me," I heard her say. "No, he made really good toast and I doubt my cooking could be compared to that toast," she said before sighing heavily.

She dropped the phone before moving to the gas to switch it off. "Assalamualaikum," I let out but she flinched before holding the side of her chest. "Sorry, I'm not really used to this yet," she let out, making me nod. "The house smells good, you must be preparing something really delicious," I murmured.

"You should freshen up while I set the table," she said as I handed her the ice cream I bought. "For you," I said before moving to peck her on the cheeks which she didn't budge or restrain from. "I'm hungry and I wouldn't be able to do anything if I don't taste from my wife's cooking," I let out as I could notice a blush crept itself on her lips.

"Thanks," she muttered.
"For what?" I asked.

"For the ice cream," she said, as she dropped it in the fridge before serving the dishes. I sat down in the dining as she served me, "what, aren't you eating?" I asked but she shook her head. "I already ate, this was made for you," she let out.

"I won't eat, if you aren't eating," I said as she took a plate to serve herself but I stopped her. "We can share mine," I said as she took her spoon. I smiled at her before spooning a full spoon of fried rice in my mouth.

I could feel her entire gaze on me, I knew she wanted to know how it tasted. "It's luscious, you should teach me how you made this," I said as a smile crept her lips. I chewed from the meatballs before taking another spoonful. She hadn't yet eaten the rice as her gaze was still on me.

"Do you still want a compliment on the meatballs? Everything here tastes really good, Amal," I said. I took a full spoon before putting it close to her mouth. "Arhhhh," I ordered but she didn't open them.

"I would just eat on my own," she said.
"Amal, my hands are hanging," I said as she opened her mouth before eating from the rice. "We need to visit mom tomorrow and then visit the hospital so they can check you," I said as she chewed her meatballs with a nod.

After prayers, we lay in the darkness not saying anything to each other. "How was your day? Tell me about it," I asked. It felt awkward because this was a new me, I had never thought of being this way with my wife. I wanted to be close to her, I wanted her to trust me and be free with me.

She seemed to be lost in her world. I wanted to move closer but I couldn't because she might get the wrong idea. I wanted to ask her the question again but it seems like she heard me the first time. "Everything seems weird, never been at home all alone. I miss my parents and also my friends and especially Aliyah," she said as a tear escaped her eyes.

Her bulgy eyes flickered beautifully through the darkness and I couldn't help but edge close to her. "They miss you too but we can do something or go somewhere to ease the boredom, took a break from the office," I muttered as a tired yawn escaped her lips.

She turned her back as I crept closer before wrapping my arms around her waist. She instantly froze but I didn't care, I wanted her to feel that I was here for her and that I wasn't planning on hurting her.

With that, I pecked her cheeks before whispering good night.

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