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I held onto her hands as we walked into the eatery. I knew she wasn't so comfortable but I was doing this so she could feel free around me. The moment we entered the eatery, I released my grip on her hand before pulling out a chair for her to sit on. She had a smile on her face before muttering. "Thank you,"

"What kind of food do you want to eat, I want to have the same with you," I said, making her eyes bulge a little. "Common, you should just order what you like, I'm really not hungry," she muttered as her eyes searched the menu. "Everything here is so expensive, why don't we head home?" she muttered silently before looking around.

"What if I don't want to see you cook? I want to see you relaxed and common, this isn't expensive," I muttered. She looked at me and back to the menu with a heavy sigh. "I think you should order, I would eat anything you order," she said, dropping the menu. "I think we should have this," I said pointing at the chicken grilled tossed in crispy barbecue buffalo and Mandi fried rice.

"That expensive and a lot for two," she muttered with a wide eye. "I want to spend all my money on my wife, I think it isn't a crime," I said, waving for the waiter's attention. "We would have this with the oreo milkshake to go," I said, as she took the order.


The moment we got home. Amal went upstairs to use the restroom while I fixed the items I shopped in the fridge. By the time she was back, I was done. "You shouldn't be the one doing this, it's my job," she muttered staring at the empty leather bag. "Here, you need to take your drugs," I said, handing her a cup of water with the drugs prescribed by the doctor.

"I don't like drugs," she muttered with a frown, making him chuckle. "We don't take drugs because we like them, babe," I muttered as she began to cough hard. I had been willing to call her that and doing that right now made an evil smile creep itself around my lips.

"Why don't we do this, you put water in your mouth before throwing the drugs, I promise you won't feel the taste," I said, making her stare at me in the eyes. She gazed at me before doing as I say. I watched her close her eyes tightly before swallowing.

I rubbed her back as her eyes shut open. "This is the last one," I muttered, making her wiggle her head. "Can I take this later, I can still feel the one I took in my throat," she said, making me chuckle. "The drug isn't there but you seem to feel it that way," I said.

"Alright, give it to me," she said.
"Good girl," I muttered as I watched her swallow the drug.



I knew Amar was trying everything possible to show me that he cared. I don't know if I was worth his care, I felt like he deserved better! I was used and worthless. He should have married somebody else instead of me, I wasn't the right woman for him.

I wish I could return his love and care.
"Since your mouth still tastes bitter, have some of this fruit juice," Amar said, handing me a cup of juice as we sat to watch the television. "I told your parents about our traveling and they are pleased," he muttered, making me surprised.

"You did?" I asked him.
"Yes," he said as a smile crept all over my face.

"Where are we going? You haven't said anything," I asked before sipping from the drink. "Korea," he said, making me hug him. I instantly felt embarrassed after I pulled away but he still had a happy smile on his face. "Sorry, just that I have dreamt of going there, I can't wait to taste most of their food, go sightseeing, and A lot more," I said as he pulled me by the waist before hugging me tightly.

"I have always wanted to hug you," he said as my face began to heat up.

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