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We had woken up early today for our early morning flight. We were leaving Korea for India for a business meeting. We might reside there for a while before going back home, Amal seemed to be kind of moody but I understood that it must be the pregnancy symptoms. The weather was chilly as I hurriedly pulled out our luggage to fix in the car.

I walked back to our suite to pick up the last items but I noticed Amal holding the last bag. She gave me a small smile, "do you think i'm alright? I can't help myself from going to the toilet to urinate," she muttered a sign of worry on her face.

"It's nothing to be worried about, they are just symptoms most women experience during pregnancy. "There is nothing to be concerned about babe," I muttered, earning a broad grin on her cheeks. I moved toward her before placing a soft kiss on her cheeks. "You would be fine babe," I muttered. I checked the hotel room one last time before leaving.

I moved to the receptionist area to check out from the hotel room we had logged for two weeks. "You shouldn't fix your seatbelt very tight, you wouldn't want to hurt our baby," I said, helping her fix the seat belt. I could feel her gaze on me even after I had helped with her seat belt. "What? If you have something to say, just say it already," I muttered.

"Nothing, just glad," she whispered, before gazing at the view through the window. I stared at her to notice a wide smile on her face.

She was happy and that was all that mattered to me.


After much inconvenience, we were finally in Delhi, India Delhi. Amar had told me we weren't staying in a hotel this time around and I was glad. He told me he had a cousin brother who worked here in India. He made it clear that he has a few rented family apartments and that he was giving us one until we were ready to leave.

I was a bit happy because staying at a hotel was becoming unbearable for me. We had to walk inside the elevator while we waited to get to the last floor. "He is going to be here soon," Amar muttered, making me shake my head in a way that told him I Wasn't complaining. "He should hurry up, you haven't eaten anything yet and it definitely is not good for the baby," he muttered with all care and sincerity in his speech.

He glanced at his watch before looking out for a car he might be familiar with. After five more minutes, his cousin  finally showed up. "Saleem you kept us waiting and my wife has been stressed so much," he complained.

"It's fine Amar, you don't have to make him hate me on a first encounter," I muttered. "Assalamualaikum, it's finally great to meet you," he said, making me smile at him as he helped us stack our luggage inside the booth. The minute we arrived at the house, there was a sweet aroma.

"Is somebody here?" I asked Amar.
"Saleem's wife, Hamrah," he muttered. The house seemed arranged and quite felt better than the hotel room. A young beautiful lady with the prettiest smile walked inside the parlor all sweaty. "Welcome Amar, it's been a while," she muttered. "Yes, it's been a while and I can't wait to taste your delicious meal that I have dreamt about for long," he said, making her smile.

"You must be Amal? Why don't I show you your room, you look exhausted," she muttered before pulling me by the hands. "I'm Hamrah but you can call me Hammy, it's nice to meet you, Amal," she muttered, handing me a cup of juice.

"It's good for a first-time mother, you should drink up" she muttered. "How do you know that I'm pregnant?" I asked.

"Uhmm, I guess doctors are quick to tell," she said, making me smile. She was a doctor no wonder she kept staring at me weirdly, we were still catching up when the door pulled open and Amar walked inside with a tray full of food. I was stunned and my eyes became really wide.

"This is too much Amar, how can I eat this?" I said, my eyes never leaving the tray. "Maybe, I need to take back some so I don't waste it," I advised but he wiggled his head. "You aren't taking any back, you are finishing everything," he said, firmly.

"But I don't feel like eating this much, is it right that Amar forces me to eat?" I turned to ask Hamrah who had that smile on her face while watching us.

"He is doing a great job as a husband," she muttered and I felt defeated.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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