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The next morning after breakfast. Amar took me out to have my passport worked on, the fact that throughout the process he kept telling everyone that I was his wife made it a bit awkward but he was right, I was his wife. I hadn't told my parents yet about our plans of travelling out of the country but soon they were going to find out.

The minute we were done, it was sunny. We had to stop by the shopping mall to get a few items, "why do we need all this? I thought we were traveling soon?" I asked, making him chuckle a bit. "Your friends and maybe sister might want to come over for a few days before we leave, we can't starve them," He said, making me chuckle as he swirled his car wheel.

The piercing pain around my abdomen made me shift a little In the car seat. "What, are you okay?" he asked but the blinding pain wouldn't stop. "I don't know why but the pain at the side of my tummy hurts," I said, making him pack his car.

"Where does it hurt?" he asked, turning to face me. "Here," I said. He brought out his phone before making a call, the call took a few minutes but before he was done the pain had subsided.

"We should head to the hospital," he muttered but I stopped him immediately. "The pain is gone, we should just head to the mall," I said but he shook his head. "I can't afford to put you or the baby in harm's way," he said. Throughout the drive, he kept stealing glances at me, I guess he was trying to make sure that I was okay.

I was shocked when his hands interlocked mine. "Your hands are so cold," he muttered while looking at the road. "My hands get this cold most of the time, it's really nothing," I muttered trying to remove my hands from his grip but he held on. He finally let my hands go the moment we pulled up at the hospital.

"You look pale and stressed, how comes I haven't noticed?" he said, touching my forehead before pushing the side of his door. He came over to mine before letting it open. "Do we still have to go? I'm fine and I hate the smell of the clinic," I said but he wasn't buying it.

"It won't take long," he said, not wanting to give up. The hospital ended up giving us so many drugs, they said I needed to rest. Amar drove to the shopping mall before asking me to wait inside his car. I told him I was fine but he didn't want to listen. He told me that he was following the doctor's instructions and he couldn't put me in harm's way.

After waiting patiently for twenty minutes. Amal was sighted with a lot of leather bags, he opened the back door before dropping what he held inside. He slid next to me before touching my forehead. "We need to get you home," he said before starting the engine.

"I thought you said we were heading home?" I asked the minutes an eatery came into view. "I don't want you to stress cooking, it's better we eat out." he said, making me stunned. "The doctor only said I needed some rest and not that I was crippled, Amar," I said. "We both have been out all day and cooking after this much stress isn't good," he said with a smile that got my heart pounding.

He was being caring and this got to be my weakness. "Thank you," I muttered as a smile crept to my lips.

AMAL(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now