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"There is this crazy girl I met today, and I urgently need her address to give her father his equipment and also I want to give her phone back to her," I said as Aisha stared at me in a way that said, what was the exact favor she was going to offer me.

"I don't have her address and I need to return all that today," I went further in explaining. "I don't still know my part in all this. Sir," Aisha said staring at me. "I know it wrong to pick someone call but there has been a call on the phone since I reached the office and according to the caller ID it seems they are very close. I explained as I dragged my drawer open to drop my pen inside.

" so," she asked. "So, I want you to pick the call or rather call the number and explain that Amal had dropped at your office and forgot her phone and you needed to return the phone but you don't have the address to her house," I explained it again. "I could have done it but being a male and picking a female's call would sound suspicious." Amar tries to reason with her.

"Sir, can I have the phone? I do prefer to use my phone. I want her to fully believe that I know Amal, so I have to call her phone with my number." Aisha said as I brought out the phone. She sharply took the number and in no second the phone was ringing. after Aisha had finished making the call she dropped her phone but there was a message on her phone! She checked and it was the address.

She handed her phone to me to check the address sent to her. Amar snappily brought out his pen and paper to copy the address, just as Amar was done copying the address he had sent his secretary 100k for her good job. He wasn't paying her as a sign of bribery, his intention was always to give her that amount for how hardworking she was! But he needed to find a good reason why he had to give her that amount.

It was already 4:30 and Amar was driving in the street of Nasarawa. As he kept passing by he kept noticing the tattered looking boys on the street, he instantly felt much pity for them. He couldn't help himself as he kept giving them little money. He was almost at their Amal estate when he noticed a man selling fruit by the roadside, Amar decided to get the family some fruit.

Soon, Amar was in front of the house that was described in the paper. He had hit his car whistle for them to open the gate for him but no one had answered, he was about to re_pack his car when a man entered the house and opened the gate for him. Amar greeted the man seeing how old he looked.

After nicely packing his car. He opened the car and went straight to the door, he decided to make the salamualiakum. And immediately after he had made the salamualiakum the door of the house opened and a young teenage girl popped her head out a bit. "Mallam, wakake Nima?" ("Mallam, who are you looking for?") She asked me as a cute smile plastered on her face.

"I am here to see your sister, is she in?" I asked. "Oh, I didn't know that you couldn't understand Hausa! I am sorry," she said. "Just wait a minute." She said before locking the door and going inside. In less than a second, she came back to tell me to come inside.

Immediately I came inside she sharply went into the kitchen, I guess. In no time. I heard her saying he was handsome in Hausa, was I the one she referred to as handsome. I was still in my thought when her Dad came inside the parlor. "What a pleasant visit Amar,"  Her dad greeted as I stood up to take his handshake. "Good day sir, I decided to bring the equipment myself since it was going to be heavy for a lady. So, I decided to bring it myself." I said as we both took our seat.

After discussing work with Amal dad, Her mother came into the parlor with food and some chilled drink. "Inawuni Ummah?" ("Good afternoon ummah?") I greeted by portraying to my knees. "Ina ini Amar, Ya su Mama?" ("Good afternoon Amar, how is your mum doing?") She asked. "Lapiya." ("Fine.") I answered as she took her leave back to the kitchen.

"So, tell me! Is it just the equipment that brought you to my house? I mean we could still see at the office," Amal dad asked. To be sincere I have thought about this while driving here and I think I should go ahead with the plan, at least this could help.

"No, sir, I think after setting my eyes on your daughter a few hours ago. I find myself liking her." I said staring at Amal dad but my thought was brought back by falling of a breakable plate, I turned to notice Amal.

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