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After the lady had served the drink. I had noticed Amir leaving the house so I instantly sent the lady who helps to clean the house home, immediately she left I covered all the curtains in the parlor and I raped my supposed Aisha.

she Wasn't fully drowned by the drug yet so she kept pleading that I shouldn't but I was drunk and blinded.

When I was done with her. I stood up and removed the cloth I had placed on the floor and left her there before refreshing up and taking a nap, after 30 minutes of sleeping! A knock came from my door.

It was Amir and my mum. They kept asking if I saw anybody in the parlor But I just couldn't remember, I had even stood up to my words that I had been in my room since morning. Amir had kept calling and calling but the person he was looking for wasn't picking.

After that incident. I kept having dreams of me raping someone, any time I wake up I felt very guilty because the face I always saw looked innocent.

I was beginning to get over the dream when Amir came to my room after work. He looked So angry but I cared less about what he was feeling, "Ibrahim?" He whispered yelled my name making me frown.

"Why would you enter my room without making the salaam?" I asked him but he laughed instead. "When did you mind someone making salaam before entering your room? I mean you don't even pray! And I hope you know people who don't pray are not Muslims anymore," He said like he was lecturing a 5year old.

"So, you came to my room to lecture me?" I asked with a smirk on my face as I brought out a stick of cigarette and placed it to my lips before liting it to Life.  "I am your senior brother Ibrahim and I have the right to tell you the truth, you raped Amal the day I brought her home to show ummah?" He asked With a stern look.

"I don't know exactly what you mean but it seems I have been having nightmares of me doing something like that," I murmured in between a puff of smokes. "Why would you think of doing that to that poor girl? Amal doesn't deserve what you Have done to her."  Amir said with watery substance foaming in his eyes.

Was he going to cry?

"I hope you are happy she is pregnant with your child and she now blames me For your mistake," Amir said. "Don't call my child a mistake," I said shamelessly.

"What do you call a child that was gotten by rape or without the consent of the mother? Ibrahim she would take that child as a mistake," Amir said.

"I will do what I have to do to get My son," I said making him nod before leaving my room.

Ever since then, I have always been practicing how to show myself to Amal. I have been feeling guilty for the past 4days! But Amir had come with a bombshell which almost shattered me.

He had said Amal was getting married and that he felt she was doing it this fast before the baby starts showing signs. "If Amal was marrying because of my baby then she doesn't love the man she was getting married to, maybe it is a forced marriage or rather a quick arranged marriage," I thought with a huge frown.

I wasn't going to allow my baby to go to another man's house while I am alive. I promise to do all that I can do to get my baby, even if I was fighting to my last blood.

That night I had stroked a Plan with Amir on how to approach Amal first. Amir had said I needed to tell her fast before the marriage or I wasn't going to get a chance, that night I had prayed to tahajjud to ask God to forgive me and help me bring my son to me without any stress.

The next day I had paid someone to stalk her every move. And just like that, an opportunity came, I immediately dressed and went to Havilah spot! And I guess the opportunity I was looking for stroked as I got to talk to her for the first time.

As I stared at her eyes, I became speechless at the beauty that stood before me! At that point, I felt like a horrible jerk.

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