The Black Tie (Gerard Imagine)

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A/N: heyooo finally doing a teacher Gerard imagine. Twitter has single-handedly drug me back into the MCR fandom, so expect more updates on here :) missed you guys! Sorry if my writing is a little rusty, I'm gonna try to get back into it.

My locker creaks as I close it shut, my sketch book loosely gripped in my hand. My final class of the day brings a bittersweet end to my week, as Mr. Way's class is the only one I enjoy.

I turn the hall and reach his room, striding through the open door. From his desk, he glances at me and flashes me a small smile before looking back down at what I'm assuming to be a sketch. He's always working on something. I take a seat at my desk and flip my book open to the last project we were working on.

With the ring of the bell, he rises from his desk and stands in front of the white board, "Hey, guys!" He beams. A small buzz stirs through the room, mostly from the girls. I'm sure he's used to cleaning their drool from the desks after class by now.

"Today's the last day to finish your comics. I'll be around to help if anyone has questions. Get to work, everyone." With his instruction, I dive into my book and start outlining my characters. I almost don't notice him appear over my shoulder, watching me work. I feel my cheeks heat up, and I act as if he isn't there.

I feel his breath on my ear as he leans closer, "Happy birthday, Y/N." He whispers. My hand locks on the paper, and I stare ahead of me, trying my best not to be obvious.

"You remembered." I respond quietly, feeling a pool of butterflies swarm in my stomach.

"How could I forget my favorite student's birthday." Although I refuse to look at him, I can feel his smirk.

My eyes trail back down to my art, seeing his hand resting on my desk. His white sleeves are rolled up to his elbow, revealing his toned forearm. I swallow the lump in my throat and finally muster the courage to turn my head and look at him. His black tie is draped over my shoulder, and his eyes are fixed on my lips.

"Mr. Way!" He quickly pulls back, "I need help with shading." He squeezes my arm before heading over to Patrick.

Focusing on my comic is almost impossible. I can still feel the silk of his tie on my neck. From the corner of my eye, I catch him glancing at me every so often as he draws an example on Patrick's paper. I wipe the sweat on my palms off on my jeans before picking my marker back up. He makes his way around the room, helping students until the dismissal bell goes off. He returns to the front of the room, "Okay everyone, put your sketchbooks on my desk on your way out. Next week we're starting portraits. Have a good weekend!"

Chairs squeak against the floor as everyone collects their things and rush out of the room. I look down at my unfinished piece, leaving my book open as I meet him at his desk.

"Mr. Way," I place my comic in front of him, "I didn't finish."

He exhales a sigh as he runs a hand through his hair and leans back in his seat, "You know I'll always help you finish, Y/N." His voice is low as he looks between me and the open door. Students filter through the hall with their backpacks, their voices bouncing on every wall.

He stands up, "It's too loud," he smirks, shutting the door and locking it, "how could I ever help you if I can't hear you." He slowly walks back over to me, stopping just inches in front of me.

"Is-is it okay if I stay an extra thirty minutes?"

He chuckles, his hand gripping my neck softly, "You know I can make you finish in ten, sugar."

I look past him into the empty hallway for a moment, making sure it's safe to drop my guard. I pull him into me by his black hair, our lips colliding in a hungry kiss.

"I waited all day for this." He breathes, frantically undoing his belt.

"Me too." My words are mumbled by his lips as he pulls my jeans off in one swift motion. His hands grip my thighs as he lifts me up and lays me down on his desk. He tugs his tie off and covers my mouth with it before sliding into me.


He buttons his shirt back up, not breaking eye contact while I stare back in awe and out of breath, "See you Monday, Y/N."

"See you Monday, Mr. Way."

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