A Splash of Moonlight (Frank Imagine)

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Lacing your black combat boots, excitement flows throughout your body as you get ready for your first date with your new boyfriend, Frank. The two of you have known each other for a little over two years, and both of you have had feelings for each other, only Frank mustered up the courage to ask you out just last week.
Just as you finish applying eyeliner above your eyes, you hear a knock at your front door.
Dashing down the stairs, you open the door to reveal a very hot looking Frank.
He's wearing ripped blue jeans and a somewhat baggy Metalica T-shirt.

"Hi." He says, a cute smile on his face.

"Hey." You giggle, biting your bottom lip.

"Shall we?" He raises his eyebrows, his smile never leaving his face.

"We shall."

He takes your hand and guides you to his truck that's parked in front of your house. Opening the door for you, you climb into the passenger's side, watching as he climbs into the truck as well. Turning on the ignition, his smile turns into a smirk as Iron Maiden plays through the speakers.

"So, where are we going?" You ask over the music.

He reaches and turns the volume down a bit so neither of you have to speak loudly, "You'll see."

You roll your eyes, and he turns the music back up, head banging to the beat. You chuckle and look out the window, realizing you are no longer in the city, but on a road traveling through a forest. The two of you drive for another fifteen or so mintues until the truck comes to a stop. Frank turns the truck off and gets out. You exit the truck as well and meet him at the trunk. He pulls a picnic basket out and flicks his head, giving you the impression to follow him. Along side him, the two of you walk deeper into the woods. Cleaves of slate crack beneath your feet until the two of you meet Frank's mystery date destination. He pulls a blanket from the basket and spreads it out on the slate bank overlooking a huge quarry.

"Wow.." You breath, staring into the shimmering water.

You turn back to look at Frank, who is holding a can of Coke out in front of him. You take the can and thank him, watching as he removes various foods from the basket. He moves the basket aside and pats the spot on the blanket next to him. You sit down next to him, a small smile on your face.

"You can help yourself to anything you want." He says quietly.

To be honest, you really aren't that hungry, but you didn't want to put the food to waste. Grabbing for a fork, you dig in to the fruit bowl Frank packed.

By the time the both of you finish up most of the food, the sun has began to set. Frank brought a lot of food.

"It's getting chilly out." You comment, wrapping your arms around your body.

Frank pulls you into him, "I'll keep you warm." You smile, feeling the heat radiating off his body, warming up your own.

You sit in a comforting silence with him, the two of you watching the sun set together until the only light is from the moonlight releflecting off the water. Frank observes the moonlight reflecting off your face, resisting the urge to tell you how beautiful you look. Instead of speaking, he moves his hand to your cheek, stroking it softly. Butterflies erupt in your stomach as he slowly pulls you closer to him until your lips attach to his. You close your eyes and tilt your head to deepen the kiss, loving the sensation he leaves on you once he pulls away.

He bites down on his lip ring and runs a hand through his hair, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be." You whisper, leaning in, creating another passionate kiss.

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