Slipping Away (Frank Imagine)

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I never thought it would be like this.

We were happy.

Ten wonderful, crazy years full of love and laughter... all for nothing. I knew it would happen, but I didn't want it to. For months now, I've known. I've tried and tried to solve it, and I thought it was just me... but he felt it too.

"Y/N... can we talk about something?"

I guess it always starts that way. How else can you bring it up?

"Are you pregnant?" I tried joking, wanting to lighten the blow so the pain would ease its way in instead of busting down the walls that surrounded my heart. Once those walls were down, they'd stay down, that much I knew.

His face remained stern, unphased by my humor, "Y/N, please. It's serious."

I noticed how quickly we were slipping away from each other... it scared me. I didn't want to let him go, but I didn't want to hold onto him either.

"I know, Frank." I sighed, my glassy eyes trailing to the floor. When I glanced back up, he looked sympathetic. He ran his hand through his hair like he always did when he was stressed, gave a nod, then turned and walked out of the room.

Just like that.

No goodbye, no hug, he just left.

Both of our hearts wanted something different, something more, but he was the first to let go. My hand still grasps tightly to the memories we created, to the joy we spread... to the sadness that formed when he left.

He was my first love, and that, I will never let go of.


I'm blocking anyone who makes Titanic references xD

BUT GUYS! I need requests because I'm running out of ideas!!! Please!

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