Stay (Gerard Imagine)

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(Trigger warning)

With great contemplation, you make the decision to remain in your bed, knowing that you aren't ready to leave the comforts of your room.
She was gone too soon. Reason for avoiding interaction with the outside world is because you're mourning over the death of your dear mother. You and her were best friends, and you never imagined a world without her, but now that you are in that world, you're completely lost, unaware of how to go on enjoying your days. You only have a few friends, but of course, none of them live in the same state as you. You do have a boyfriend, Gerard, however him and his bravery are serving his country, accompanied by his brother that you are very close with. It's true, you're alone, and the emptiness is unbearable.
For days on end, you spent your time either crying or sleeping, wishing for one last chance to see your mother. The world is crashing down around you, and there is nothing you could do about it. You want nothing more but to end the pain, and that's what you plan on doing. Ending. Ending the pain, the sorrow, the weakness, everything.

Finally, for the first time in days, you climb out of bed, dizzy from lack of food or water. One mission is in your mind, one that you plan to be a success. Gerard would surely understand your reasoning for said mission, and he's the only one who you care deeply enough to write a note to, just to shed the information that what you are going to do is not his fault. Once you finish writing your last goodbye, you head to the third floor of your house, opening up the window. Every voice in your head is screaming at you to jump, but your body can't seem to move.



The world is better off without you!

Your mother needs you!

Without further hesitation, you begin to slide yourself off the ledge you'd been seated on, gasping when you feel two arms wrap tightly around your waist. Tears spill from your eyes at the sight of the green arms of the military jacket. You're being pulled in from the window, collapsing onto the wooden floor.

"What are you doing here?" You sob, angered that Gerard stopped you from falling.

"(Y/N)! Baby, what were you thinking?!" His voice is panicked as he scoops you up in his arms.

"I-I want to be wi-with mom." You cry in his chest.

"Baby, I need you here. You'll be with her again, but not if you do this. Please, (Y\N), I love you. Don't ever do something like this again. Stay, for me."

You clutch onto his jacket, "I'm so sorry. I just felt so alone."

"I'm here now. I'll always be here."


Hi guys! So, I made this chapter as a reminder that there is always somebody who loves you, and taking your life isn't worth it. If any of you ever feel suicidal, talk to a friend, parent, or even me. You are worth it. Stay strong.


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