Elf (Ray Imagine)

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(A/N: Yep, I deleted the Frank smut. I'm sorry, I just wasn't comfortable with it, so I didn't want to leave it up. I didn't like writing it, I wasn't confident that it was even good, so I took it down. Please understand.)

"Really, Ray?" I sigh, my eyebrows raised.

"What? I thought it would be fun!" He chuckles. I look at his bright green elf costume in disgust.

"Then go have fun, but there is no way I'm dressing up with you." I cross my arms over my chest.

"Oh, come on, babe! It's for charity!" He whines, a smile still on his face.





"I can't believe you talked me into this." I grunt as we enter the mall.

He grabs my hand, "It's only for a couple hours, Y/N. You'll be fine."

I roll my eyes, annoyance growing inside me at the clangling of the tiny bells at the tips of our pointed shoes that ring every time we take a step. 

We make it up to the area where Santa is, a long line of kids waiting to sit on his lap and get a picture. I fake a smile at them, and put on my best attitude.

"Who's ready for Santa!" Ray cheers, and the kids start screaming.

"I don't know... You don't sound that excited..." Ray sings, hopping around with the kids.

They erupt in louder screams, and I take a step back. Ray glances over at me, giving me a silent 'get the fuck over here and be jolly!' type of look. With a sigh, I skip over to him and the line.

"Come on, boys and girls! Santa! Santa! Santa! Santa!" They all join in and start chanting.

Suddenly, the curtain that was hung on a wire opens, and an old dude dressed as Santa prances on out, waving to everyone. The kids go ballistic at his presence.

The line slowly descends as the kids go up, and it gives me relief. Soon, I'll be back home scrolling through Tumblr where I belong.

The time comes for the mall to close, and I grab my things.

"I'm never doing that again." I mumble as Ray and I walk out to his car.

"Yeah, yeah, grumpy."

"That's Humbug to you." I tease, smiling up at him.

MCR ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora