Roommates~Part Five (Frank Imagine)

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I lay my head on Linds' stomach, sighing.

"Soooo," she says, caressing my hair, "any action?"

I bite down on my lip to stop myself from smiling, but Linds catches me, "Oh! You did it!" she squeals.

I chuckle, "Yeah we did."

I feel her squirm beneath me from excitement, "Yesssss!"

I sit up and face her, "Why are you so excited about me having sex?"

"Because I like seeing you happy." She says quietly, in a serious tone, a small smile on her red stained lips.

I grab her hand, "Thank you."

She pulls me into a hug, "You're my friend, I live for your happiness.... which is why I did something for you."

I pull back, my eyebrows raised, "What did you do?"

She gets up off her bed and runs over to her dresser. She opens up a drawer and pulls out a black dress, holding it up in front of me.

My eyes widen, "What's that for?"
"I wrote Frank a note telling him to meet you at Jackie's restaurant. I signed it with your name."


"Don't bitch. You need help with him and you know it." She stops me.


I look at myself in the mirror, the dress slimming my body nicely. I take a deep breath, grab my purse, and thank Linds before leaving her room and going out to my car.

The drive to Jackie's is filled with nerves and anxiety, but I keep going. Once I arrive, I take a deep breath and head inside.

"Uh, I'm here with Iero." I tell a man behind a podium.

He flips through a book, mumbling names as he reads them, "Ah, Iero. Table seven, miss."

"Thanks." I say, looking around until I spot Frank.

I walk over and sit down across from him, "Hi."

He looks up from his hands, "Wow. You look great."


He clears his throat, "Any reason why you picked this place?"

"Uh... Lindsey picked it actually. The note was from her." I tell him the truth.

"Well, in all honesty, this place is kinda pricey for me." He says, un-phased by what I told him.

I smile, "Y'know, I heard there's a crazy frat party going on tonight. If we leave now, we can still make it."

He stands up and grabs my hand, "Then let's get out of here."




Hey guys! I'm back. Thank you all for the support you've been giving since I announced my hiatus. The next Frank Imagine will be what goes down at the party. I know my hiatus wasn't that long, and it's honestly because of all of your kind words, so what I'm trying to say is that this book wouldn't be possible if it weren't for you guys. Plus, we reached 40k, so I had to say thank you for that too :)

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