Gorgeous (Gerard Imagine)

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Trigger Warning: Mentions of cyber bullying and self degrading. Before anyone continues, please know that you are all beautiful/ handsome the way you are. Never change for anyone :)

Hearts pounding.

Heavy breathing.

Skin sweating.

Sorry, it's not sex. It's better than sex. It's something that's more satisfying anyway.

"Just do it already!" Ray groans, bounching in his seat with excitement. The guys and I shush him, and just like that he sits still.
Gerard's finger hovers over the mouse as his eyes stare hard at the laptop screen, "I don't know... should we wait?" He says quietly, almost to himself. This earns a sigh from Frank.

"Come on," he shoves Gerard out of the way and rests his hand on top of the mouse, "It's a music video, not a sex tape." With that, he clicks Upload.

45 minutes to process

All six of us grunt, and Frank dramatically throws his head back, "We've been sitting here for twenty minutes contemplating and now we have to wait another fourty-five minutes?!"

Mikey jokingly pats Frank on the shoulder while rolling his eyes.

Frank stands up, "Fuck it. I'm getting a beer." Mikey, Ray, and Matt get up and follow Frank into our kitchen, but Gerard and I stay back.

"I'm stoked!" Gerard cheers.

I giggle, "That makes one of us."

His smile fades, "Are you worried the fans won't like you?" He asks, moving closer to me.

"I don't know... I've never been in a music video before, and the fans have only seen my face in your selfies, not... the rest of me." I shrug, referring to my body. I'm not the thinnest, but I'm not the heaviest either. Most girls have curves, I'm like a stick... a stick with a chubby belly and legs. I don't even know why Gerard wants me most of the time.

"Hey," he grabs my hand, "You're beautiful. The most beautiful person I've ever met."

By the time the guys come back in, there's only a minute left until the video uploads, and everyone is antsy.


Your video is ready for viewing!

The guys throw their arms in the air and cheer, but I stay quiet, biting harshly on my nails. There's thousands of comments within the first five minutes.

"Omg omg omg!" Gerard reads them off, "Fuck me, Frank," we all laugh as Frank cringes, "I'm in love with this! That girl's..." He trails off, trying to scroll to another comment, but I stop him.

"No, let me-" I get to the comment.


That's girl's so fat. Gerard can do better.

My throat runs dry as I reread the comment. I find another one.

Who let fatty join the Black Parade?

I stand up, wiping the tears from my eyes, "I'm tired. Night guys." I struggle to keep my voice from shaking. I run upstairs into our bedroom and slam the door shut, immediately bursting into tears.

I knew I shouldn't have been in their stupid video. Everyone is right about me. I turn my head at the light knock on the door, watching as Gerard walks in, sympathy plastered on his face, "Baby..."

"They're right..." I mutter, staring at the floor, "I am fat."

He takes a step closer, wrapping his arms around my waist. I pull away, feeling even more insecure. Gerard instead holds my hand, tracing it with his thumb, "I've never heard anything more false in my life," he raises his hand to wipe away my tears, "You're absolutely gorgeous, my little killjoy. Dry those tears, and love every inch of yourself like I do..."

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