Coffee Run (Mikey Imagine)

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It was a typical day at work. You know, taking peoples orders, getting yelled at by my fellow workers, the usual. Honestly, I'd rather work anywhere else but here. And yes, that includes strip clubs. At least people there would appreciate me.

"Can I start you off with something to drink?" I put on a fake smile, my note pad ready in my hand.

The boy looked up, and I instantly got lost in the hazel eyes hiding behind his glasses, "I'll have a coffee." He spoke shyly.

I bit down on my lip, scribbling it down, "Gotcha. I'll be right back with that." I walked away and jumped over the counter, grabbing a coffee pot and a mug.

"Hey," I looked up and met a glare from Wendy, "Did you take my toast?"

"For the third time today, I did not take your fucking toast," I whispered so costumers wouldn't hear me cursing, "It takes ten seconds, just watch it until it's done instead of accusing me all the time!"

She raisd her eyebrows, a slight smirk on her lips. With a quick swipe of her hand, she swatted the mug I had off the counter, causing it to shatter amonst the hard tiles.

"What the hell!" I gasped, jumping back from the broken glass.

"Why don't you stop being a clutz instead of accusing me all the time." She mocked before striding off into the kitchen.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed a few costumers observing, including the cute, hazel eyed boy, but I ignored them and quickly cleaned up the glass before anyone had the chance to step on it. With a sigh, I dumped the shatters into a garbage bin, grabbing a new mug and coffee pot.

Filling the mug 3/4 full, I grabbed four creamers, returning to the boy's booth and setting everything down on the table, "Sorry for the wait." I apologized, even though I really wasn't at fault.

"It's okay," He smiled up at me, "I saw what that girl did. I'm guessing she always does that kind of stuff?"

I tucked a lose strand of hair behind my ear, "Yeah, everybody in here plays dirty."

"Even you?" He raised his eyebrows, adding sugar to his coffee.

"If I'm in the mood to get even." I chuckled, leaning onto the table.

"I know what it's like. I used to be a buss boy, but now I work at a the Barnes and Noble on 42nd."

"I'd love to work at a book store!" I exclaimed like an excited child, "I absolutely love to read."

"Yeah? What's your favorite book?" He asked, resting his chin on his hands.

"It's a comic actually. Three Tales of Chemical Romance. Ever heard of it?"

Something flashed through his eyes at the mention of the comic, "No, but it sounds interesting."

"It is! You should check it out!" I smiled, straightening myself up, "Well, unfortunately I have to get back to work. Just give a yell when you're ready to order."




Aaaand I'm back to writing in first person!

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