Hers~ Part 2 (Mikey Imagine)

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Mikey had suggested we played video games when Kristin had to run out last minute. I accepted, since I had nothing to do, and he was already here.

"You're quiet today." Mikey comments, not taking his eyes away from the tv, the soft clicking of the controller filling the air.

I shrug.

Everyday, I fall for him more, and it's getting to the point where I'm afraid I'll confess to him. I don't want to fuck up the relationship he has with Kristin, after all, she is my sister. I could never do that to her, even though my heart breaks a little every time I see her with Mikey.

"Y/N," Mikey pauses the game, forcing me to talk, "Is everything okay? You seem... distant."

I glance at him for a second before averting my eyes back to the screen, unable to look at his hazel eyes, knowing I'll crack if I do, "I'm fine. I'm concentrating on kicking your ass at this game." I lie fairly easily, considering I've had to hide my feeling for him many times before. He moves closer to me, grabbing my hand. I tense up immediately at his touch.

"Y/N, I've known you long enough to tell when something's wrong. Y-you won't even look at me. I care about you, please tell me what's wrong." He says gently, the words flowing from his mouth effortlessly. My heart pounds harder in my chest, sweat rising to my hand that he's holding.

I stand up, setting my controller down on the couch and pulling my hand away from his grasp, "There's nothing wrong." With that, I retreat upstairs into my room, locking my door so he can't catch the tears streaming down my face like raindrops rushing down windows on a dreary day.


I hear a knock on my door. With a sigh, I put my phone down and climb out of bed, dragging my feet over to the door, opening it to reveal Kristin.

"Hey..." She says, her voice quiet.

"Hi?" I squint my eyes at her, not really in the mood to talk to her.

"We need to talk to you." She says gently.


Mikey steps into sight. I feel the color drain from my face, "What about?" I raise my eyebrow, my nerves already getting the best of me.

"Please..." Is all Kristin says, her eyes filled with too many emotions to pick out. I open my door enough so they can come in. They sit down on the foot of my bed, and I sit on my recliner across from them. I internally cringe when I see Kristin grab Mikey's hand.

"Look, both of us have noticed that you've been acting differently, and, um," Kristin grasps for words that she can't quite find, and I just stare at her blankly, my anxiety screaming at me to just run. Run so I don't have to face them. I can't hide my feelings anymore, and I think they can tell. My chest tightens as I try to keep my breathing steady and normal, but I can't help but feel the shaking when I exhale.

"We know, Y/N," Mikey cuts in, "and we wanted to talk to you because you have to know that you and I... it can never happen. Not like that," I drop my gaze to the floor, unable to control my heavy breathing, "I love hanging out with you, but Kristin and I love each other, and I'm hers."

A tear rolls down my cheek, and I quickly wipe it away, sniffling, "I-I don't know what you're talking about."

"Y/N, don't make the situation worse than it is," Kristin speaks, "we both love you, but the love Mikey and I have for each other is different, and-"

"I'm never going to feel the same way for you." Mikey says. I stare up at him, tears in my eyes.

I don't know why I'm so sad. I guess I had hope that maybe he had a glimpse of feelings for me, but I was wrong. He was always hers, and he'll always be hers.

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