Hers~ Part 3 (Mikey Imagine)

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For three days, we avoided contact. He wouldn't talk to me when he came over, and I wouldn't even look at him. Today is day four, and as each long, painful day drags on, one thought keeps reappearing in my mind.

Leave. Just pack a bag, crawl out the window, and find someone who cares about you. . .

I don't know how much longer I can take it. Each giggle heard from another room adds another tear in my heart. The "Hey, baby." or "I love you!" are destroying me. And now... I can't even enjoy the solitude of secrecy that I had before they realized that I'm in love with Mikey.

"I'll never feel that way about you."

I'm so silly. How could he love me? Playing video games with someone doesn't make you soulmates! God, idiot!

My suitcase calls my name louder as my thoughts refuse to stop.

They'd be happier with me gone. I wouldn't be in the way of their love. Maybe if I run away, I'll move on from Mikey. That way, we'll both be happy.


Lifting the window open, I turn my head back to my room, smiling slightly. I don't linger, the exciting noises of the LA night calling for me to follow them. I throw my suitcase out of the window first before jumping out myself, my feet carrying me further and further away from the house I once called home.

It's their home now.

Before I know it, I've found my way to the Walk of Fame.

David Bowie

Jared Leto

Janet Jackson

All names of those who've inspired me. Even though there's so many names beneath me, I can only think of his.

Maybe getting over him won't be as easy as I thought. Come on, Y/N! He doesn't want you... he's hers.

Suddenly, I feel a buzzing in my pocket- my phone. I pull it out.



Soon enough, my phone starts ringing again in my hand. They must know I'm gone.



By the time I'm done with the Walk of Fame, I have seven missed calls from Mikey. I look and see he left a voicemail. I know I shouldn't listen, but I can't help it.

"Y/N... Y/N, please listen. Y-you have to come back. You have to come back to me. For these past two years... I've loved being able to grow close with you. I don't know where you went, but I know that you're gone, and I want you back. I want to know that you're safe under my protection. I check on you every single night, because I'm so terrified that you'll get hurt from someone or something... And now I'm the someone. Y/N... I fucking love you. Please, come home. I promise things will change... You mean the world to me."

I put my phone back away in my pocket, frowning slightly. He doesn't mean it. He never meant a single thing. As long as he's hers, I'll never mean a thing to him. I have to find a way to move past this.

I'll text Kristin to let her know I'm okay, but after that, I'll just disappear. One day, I'll find someone, and he'll be mine, just like how Mikey is Kristin's...

A/N: Welp, not every story ends happily I guess. I do have a proposition... If this chapter gets 100 votes, I'll make an alternative ending! Sound good? Anyway, this is the last part, I hope you enjoyed! Oh, and congrats to the winner of the covers contest iiEmoxDW

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