Prom Proposal (Gerard Imagine) Part One

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(Requested by DinoJayJay)

Like most days after fifth period, I find myself walking down the hall on my way to lunch with my best friend, Gerard. I just recently moved to Belleville, so he's pretty much my only friend, which makes him my best friend. We connected almost instantly considering we both like comic books, horror movies, and music. There aren't that many people in Belleville High that are into those things.

"Um... (Y/N), c-can I ask you something?" I hear Gerard's quiet voice ask.

"What is it, Gee?"

"Well... I-I was wondering," He pauses, looking as though he's trying to find the right words to say. Gerard's always been the shy type, but that's why I like him so much. Everyone else in this dump is a stuck up, self absorbed dick, but Gerard, he's real, and I think he knows it. I think that's why he keeps to himself. He opens his mouth to speak again, but before any words come out, he gets shoved to the floor.

I quickly look to see who did it, and I lock eyes with the most popular, well known guy in school, Frank Iero. A smirk plastered on his face, he wraps his arms around my waist, "What are you doing with a loser like him?"

I throw his arms off of me, "What the hell was that for? Gerard never did anything to you!"

"I just wanted to ask you something." He quirks his eyebrows.

"Fuck off!" I spit and get down next to Gee. Gee's eyes are filled with tears, but he holds them back.

I feel a pair of hands hoist me back up on my feet, "I think you'll enjoy the question, babe. It'll boost your rep around here."
Frank gives me a crooked smile, which just makes me want to punch him in the face.

"What do you want?" I glare, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I want you to go to prom with me. What do you say, babe?"

"I have four words for you. Go fuck yourself, Iero!" I help Gerard up and pull him into one of the staff restrooms.

I lock the door and turn to Gee, seeing a small stream of blood running from the corner of his head, "You're bleeding!" I gasp.

He brings his hand up to the blood and wipes it off, "Oh... It's not a big deal."

"No, let me help." I insist.

"Really, (Y/N) I'm fine." He whispers.

I ignore him and grab a few paper towels, dampening them with sink water. I take the paper towels to Gee and get onto my tippy toes so I can brush his hair to the side. Though I'm concentrated on cleaning the cut on his forehead, I feel his eyes piercing into me.

I can't help but to allow my eyes to trail down to meet his gaze. His cheeks flush a bright red, and he looks away. I take the paper towel away from his head and toss it in the trash. Gee takes a step back and looks down at the ground.

"Thanks." He mumbles, his face getting even redder.

I smile at him, "Don't worry about it. Oh, before Cunt-for-Brains cutted in, what did you want to ask me?"

He shakes his head, "Never mind... it's-it's stupid. Just forget about i-it."

Knowing Gerard, he only stutters a lot when he's nervous. I gently place my hand on his shoulder, "Y'know you can talk to me about anything, Gee."

He takes a deep breath and starts picking at his nails, "Would you-do you w-want to g-go to prom... with me?"

I feel a million butterflies swarm around in my stomach, and I know my face is red, "Gerard, I'd love to go to prom with you."

He looks up at me, a small smile playing at his lips, "Really?"


"So, um, I'll pick you up around 8:00?"

"I'll see you then."


I've decided to split this imagine into two parts. The next chapter will be taking place at the actual prom.

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