Vinyl Brother (Ray Imagine)

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"Y/N!" I hear a voice and a mixture of loud banging call from behind my front door. With a sigh, I raise myself from my couch and open the door, confused to see my brother, Ray, whom I haven't talked to in almost a year.

"Ray?" I shriek, his name foreign to my tongue. He looks back, a huge smile on his face.

"Y/N!" He wraps me in a tight hug, and I loosely wrapped my arms around him, still shocked as to the fact that this is the first time I've seen him in so long.

I pull away, "What do you want?" I ask sourly.

He raises his eyebrows and walks past me into my house, "Nice to see you again too."

I follow him and grab his arm, stopping him in his tracks, "What are you doing? I never said you could come in!"

He holds his free arm up, and I only now notice the black bag that he's grasping in his hand, "What's that?" I ask curiously. He hands it over, and I let go of his arm to look inside the bag. I pull out a vinyl, my eyes going wide when I read what's on it.

Remember the Laughter

Ray Toro

"Oh my god!" I scream, my grip tightening on the record with joy.

"And now you know why I haven't been around for a year." He smiles.

"All this time you were working on this..."

He nods.

"I'm so proud of you, Ray!" This time, I'm the one to hug him. Once we pull apart from each other, I put the vinyl in my player and we sit and listen to it for the rest of the afternoon, making up time for the year that we lost. 

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