Rise from the Dead (Frank Imagine)

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A/N: MCR is back, and so am I ;) edit: IM SEEING THEM IN PHILLY OH MY GOD

The stairs creek in a groaning excitement under the weight of our feet ascending them.
There is a stillness in the air, feelings yet to settle with the dust resting on the collection of boxes stored in the darkness.

His hand reaches for the handle, letting it linger for a moment before pulling the old attic door open. I follow close behind him as he flips on the lights.
Amongst us lays a display that hasn't been touched since we hauled it up here.

"Do you still have it?" Gerard's voice echoes up the stairs.

Frank picks the relic up, holding it securely as if one quick movement would break it. The stickers still reflect the way they did years ago.

"Hey, Pansy," Frank mutters, and I can see the ghost of a smile on his lips, "Yeah!" He calls down to Gerard, "She's up here!"

"What about your jacket?"

"It's all up here, Gee!" Frank beams. After we closed the door seven years ago, he never came back up. When the band ended, he refused to be reminded of it. Until now.

He turns his gaze from his guitar to me. Gently, he places it on the floor before pulling me into his chest, resting his hand on the back of my head, "It's really happening, isn't it?" He whispers, a shaking to his voice.

I pull back, looking into his eyes. They're filled with a child-like glee, a look I haven't seen from him for a while, "Yes, Frankie."

He grabs me into his chest again, and I hold him tightly, "That's fucking crazy." He chuckles in disbelief.

"Do you think they'll still want us?" Gerard asks from beside Frank. I hadn't even noticed he came up.

Frank releases me and places a hand on Gerard's shoulder, "I don't know, man."

"Are you two brain dead all of a sudden?" I interject, "I know the band was dead for a while but it's time to wake up! You guys are going to sell out anywhere you go."

Their serious faces shift to relief as they laugh. Gerard's arm slings around Frank, "Your girlfriend better be right man."

"She's never been wrong before." Frank smirks. I roll my eyes.

"Well I have to go find some satanic shit from amazon. Y/N, I'm stealing Frank for a while. If he comes back stuck in the void, I'm not sorry." Gerard says quickly, and with that hurries the two of them down the stairs.

"Don't you need all of this for the video?!" I shout after them, but my only response is the closing door.

I stand in a calming silence, surrounded by old memories from previous tours and music videos. None of us thought My Chemical Romance would be back. I remember when Frank told me him and the guys were meeting up for an old jam session, and when he came home telling me about the conversation they had. The same electric air they soaked in as they played. They knew it was time to come back. They knew that their solo careers were just missing something. Now, they're back. They have risen once more, and we couldn't be happier.

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