Elementary~ Part Two (Mikey Imagine)

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(A/N: A few of you requested I make a second part of "Elementary", so here you go :) I hope you like it! Also, remember that you two are in kindergarten, so there will be intentional grammar mistakes.)

The next day, Mikey sat with me at lunch again.

"Sorry I didn't give you anything but mine fruit snacks." Mikey speaks softly.

"Don't be sorry. Thank you for them. They was tasty!" I smile back, thankful that he was even talking to me.

"Do you want to play with me at recess today? I usually just color, but we can hang out on the swings if we get there before the big kids?"

A grin forms on my lips. My crush, as Mommy calls it, just asked me to play with him at recess! On the swings! On Monday, two fifth graders were kissing on the swings... but I'd get in trouble if I kissed Mikey, and I'd get cooties. Bleh!

"Okay! Yes!" I exclaim happily, which he laughs in return.


I race to the swings, but Mikey isn't there yet. There's two empty swings that aren't taken by the big kids yet. One left. No Mikey.

I watch as other classes come outside, but Mikey isn't in sight. Just as I'm about to go find my other friends, Mikey runs up to me.

"I'm sorry," He apologizes, out of breath, "I was making you this."

He hands me a piece of paper. I look down at it and see it's a crayon drawing of a heart.

Before I can say anything, he walks behind me and gives me a push, and the swing and myself swoar up, up, up, then down, down down. He gives me another push, and we take turns pushing each other on the swings for the rest of recess.


Sixth Grade

Opening up my locker, I'm greeted by the drawing I was gifted years ago from an old friend. The scribble of a heart.

"I didn't know you kept that." I spin around, meeting face to face with Mikey, whom I haven't spoken to since third grade.

"Of course I did." I smile up at him.

He leans down and kisses my cheek, "Still like fruit snacks?"

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