Another World~ Gerard Imagine

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(A/N: Just saying, this one has verbal fighting with strong language, however the entire imagine isn't fighting. Also, I'm working on Hers Part Three, so I hope you're excited. It will be the last part :) Also, I'm a day late, but Happy Birthday, Gee!

It's been twelve hours since Gerard last came out of his office. Ever since he started working on his new comic, he barely comes out, not even to eat. I'm pretty sure he only eats twice a week. When he does come out for a few minutes to use the bathroom or refill his coffee mug, he looks worse each time. I've tried convincing him to get some sleep or join me for breakfast, but everytime I do, something in him snaps, and he gets so irritated. I've even had his brother, Mikey, come down to talk to him, but not even he can get to him.

I take a deep breath before lightly knocking on Gee's office door, "Sweetheart, can I come in?" I ask quietly, checking on him for the second time today. He remains silent on the other side of the door, but I open it anyway.

He's sat in front of his computer, typing with one hand and sketching with the other, "What?" He mumbles, his eyes continuously flicking back and forth from the screen to the page.
My hands absentmindedly intertwine with themselves, longing the touch of another, a touch that Gee hasn't given for so many weeks, "I was just... I was just wondering if you wanted anything? To eat? Maybe some water?"

"No." He says so quickly, as though it's the only response programmed into his brain. That's all I've been getting. What. No. Go away.

"Are you s-"

"Y/N, please! I'm trying to work!" He snaps his head at me, his greasy hair almost blocking his eyes, but I can still make out the piercing glare he's giving me.

I nod, my lip beginning to quiver, "Okay..." I look down, "I just don't know how much longer I can do this, Gerard..."

He turns back to the computer, shaking his head, "You don't know how much longer you can do this? Y/N, all you've been doing is barging in here interrupting my work! I have a deadline! If you want to keep living off of me and my money, I have to finish this fucking comic!"

My eyes widen as a pain fills my chest, "How could you say that? I come in here to check on you because you don't come out for twelve hours at a time! You barely eat, you don't sleep, and you haven't even showered in weeks! It's like you're in another world in here, and I don't like it!"
He turns around and stands up, storming up to me. I take a step back, suddenly afraid, "What the fuck are you trying to do to me?! Well what- do you- do you just want me to put my work down and pay attention to you? I have a career-"

"I know that, Gerard, but I'm your wife! I should be more important! And I am not expecting you to just drop everything for me.... I'm expecting you to work in a healthy manner and still have time for others. You wouldn't even talk to your own brother. Sweetheart, please, come out, I'll cook you some dinner, then you can shower and get some sleep. Please."

His face softens a bit, but then he simply closes his eyes, places his hands on my shoulders, spins me around, and walks me out of the office before closing the door.


I put my book down when I hear the bedroom click open. I look up, seeing Gerard standing in the doorway, fumbling with his hands, "Hey..." he whispers.

"Hi..." I say, observing him. Little drops of water are dripping from the tips of his hair onto a clean pair of clothes. He cleaned up.

"Um, I'm-"

"I know."

He looks up at me, but stays silent and still other than his hands. I climb out of bed and walk over to him, stopping to stare into his eyes for a second before pulling into a hug.

"I love you, Y/N."

"I know."

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