Keep it Professional (Mikey Imagine)

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A/N: new mcr song= new imagine.
Y'ALL! I was taking a nap when they uploaded the new song and I have never been happier to wake up in my life. AND IM SEEING THEM AT THE END OF AUGUST AND AT FIREFLY IN SEPTEMBER. I FEEL ALIVE AGAIN!!

"I'm sick and tired of seeing my fucking face. But I'm allowed to, because it's my fucking face!" Gerard whines in front of the mirror.

I suppress a laugh as I lay out my makeup products on the counter beside Mikey, who's sitting patiently in a chair. The guys have a photo shoot for their album in a few hours, and their managers hired me to do their makeup, all but Gerard who insisted on doing his own.

To say I'm frazzled is an understatement. When I got the call, I put on a facade and acted like I had no idea who they were, but truth be told I've been to a few of their shows. Scratch that, I've been to their shows, I play their first record religiously in my car, and I have an embarrassingly big crush on Mikey.

And now, I'm standing inches from him, and trying not to sweat and puke at the same time.

"Dead cheerleaders, huh?" I mutter to him, and he chuckles and rolls his eyes.

"Another one of Gerard's bloody ideas." He gazes to his brother, who's currently fussing with his own stylist who is struggling to get him to compromise on eyeliner.

"Gerard! Stop letting your eye get tweaky!!" She scolds, pulling the pencil back from his face.

"I can't help it!" He sighs angrily before snapping back at another one of her attempts to get him to stay still, "Deal with it!"

What a drama queen.

"How we feeling about red?" I ask Mikey, knowing the general theme they're going for.

"It looks good on you." It takes me a second to realize I'm wearing red lipstick, before a soft blush creeps onto my face. I smile down at him, pursing my lips to try and conceal my reaction.

"Red it is." I shake off the compliment to maintain my professionalism before dipping my brush into the pan.

I silently thank the universe that Mikey sits much nicer than Gerard, who at this point sent his stylist out of the tour bus to finish his makeup on his own.

The bus shakes slightly as someone approaches us, "How's it going, princess?" Frank teases Mikey, leaning in to look closer at my work.

"Hey man, don't get your panties twisted because Y/N made me prettier than you, dwarf." Mikey smirks back. Frank throws his hands up by his sides, mocking offense.

"My panties are fitting perfectly, thank you very much. And no one is prettier than me, string bean." He cocks and eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest dramatically.

I do my best to finish up Mikey's eyes while holding back my laughter at the two's antics.

"I don't know man, I've been looking at someone much prettier than you for the last twenty minutes." Mikey flashes me a quick, crooked smile.

I inhale a short breath, dropping my concentration to the floor, no longer able to hide my grin from him despite my efforts.

There's no way he has flirted with me twice now.

"Fine," Frank scoffs in defeat, "I'll stop interrupting your moment and go annoy Gerard. He thinks I'm pretty." He struts off in exaggerated defense.

"Y-you're all done." I trip over my words, swiping his hair away from his face to double check that I'm happy with his makeup.

He doesn't bother to look at himself in the mirror, keeping his eyes locked on me, "What?" I ask, tucking a strand of loose hair behind my ear as I turn to pack up my things.

"Are you, uh, doing anything tonight?" His previous confidence shifts to shyness.

God this man is making me feel some type of way.

Keep it professional, Y/N. Tell him you have more clients to work with.

"Nope." Fuck. "Why're you asking, Mikey Way?" I beam, leaning up against the counter as casually as I can, nearly knocking my bag over in the process.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

He giggles at me before standing up, taking a step closer to me, "It'd be really cool if you came to our show tonight." He suggests, almost seductively.

I bite down on my lip, tilting my head slightly, "It'd be really cool to watch you play." I tease him with his own phrasing.

His eyes crinkle as he smiles at me, "It'd be really cool to take you out after."

"It'd be really cool if you two shut the fuck up and get a room!" We both jump at Ray as he pokes his head through the door, rolling his eyes.

My heart races with embarrassment as I latch onto my arm for comfort, awkwardly laughing as he leaves.

"So, uh," Mikey scratches the back of his neck, his cheeks matching the color of his eyeshadow, "See you at six?"

"See you at six."

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