Vampires will Never Hurt You (Gerard Imagine)

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A/N: I'm in a horror mood, so have this. There's kinda a blood kink in this soooo... Also, for some reason, I've been getting back into my childhood crushes, especially Billy Loomis from Scream. Yep, I've been since attracted to a psychopathic serial killer since I was 3 or 4... I was raised on horror movies, don't judge XD

I zip my jacket up as far as it can go as the wind whips harshly, causing me to huddle closer to my friend, Jamia, for warmth.

"God, October's a bitch." I grunt, my teeth chattering as we stand in line, still having a long wait until we make it inside. She takes a long drag from her cigarette then passes it to me, and we smoke to pass time, which doesn't seem to go by any faster, especially with the wind picking up.

"It shouldn't be much longer." She says, staring at the sight of her breath as she speaks. I watch it as it lifts into the air before becoming unnoticeable. I look ahead, seeing there's only about twenty people in front of us now. Soon, another batch of screaming teenagers run past us, causing us to laugh.

"This better be good, Jams. If you made me stand in this long ass line for almost an hour for a cheap scare, I'll kill myself and haunt the fuck out of you." I joke, taking a few steps forward as the line descends.

She rolls her eyes, "This is supposed to be one of the best haunted houses around. It'll be good, and it ain't cheap either. $40 a ticket, remember?"

"Yeah, I know. I had to take it from my rent money." I playfully shove her arm, and she just laughs. I look, and now we're next in line.


We head up, "Two, please." Jamia speaks to the man behind the booth who has prosthetics that make it look like half of his face is hanging off. I look closer, shocked at how real it looks.

We hand him our money, in which he gives us two tickets. I scream as I feel an arm wrap around my waist and a hand covering my mouth, dragging me. I look over, seeing Jamia is in the same position as me, being dragged in the same direction. I hear a door open, and we're thrown into a pitch black room.

"Holy shit!" I laugh, my voice shaking from fear.

"Y/N?" Jamia says, and I hear her shuffling towards me. I hold my hands out, feeling skin.


"Yeah, it's me." She sighs, making me relieved. We both jump as another set of footsteps enters the room, the lights still off. I instinctively hold my breath, fear taking over again. Suddenly, the lights flash on, and rushing towards us is a grotesque pig creature, blood dripping from its hands and mouth, a cleaver raised in its hand as it charges at us. I grab Jamia and run away, my heart pounding rapidly in my chest. We run into a hallway that's slightly lit with dim, green lights, fog illuminating through it, making it hard to see in front of us.

"You okay?" Jamia asks, noticing my heavy breathing.

I nod, "That looked so real."

"I told you this place was good." She smirks, grabbing my hand and pulling me along. A blast of air shoots out from the wall, making me scream. She laughs at me.

"Shut up!" I laugh.

As we keep walking, the figure of a slim man appears ahead of us, "Oh god." I mumble, but Jamia keeps walking.

"Hey." He says once we approach him, flipping his black hair out of his face, revealing a pair of shining hazel eyes rimmed with black eyeliner. Okay, he's hot.

"What are you supposed to be?" I smirk, raising an eyebrow at him. He smiles, revealing a pair of sharp fangs, "You're not all that scary for a vampire you know?"

"I can be scary if you want me to be." He speaks with a husky voice, stepping closer to me. Fuck he's sexy.

"Okay. Then scare me." I taunt, crossing my arms over my chest.

Out of nowhere, he rips me away from Jamia, throwing me over his shoulder and taking off away from her, "Jamia!" I scream.

He carries me up two flights of steps, and as we're going up, a little girl with no eyes follows, trying to grab me. I scream, getting the vampire's attention. He sees  the girl and just goes faster before we get into a room where he slams the door shut. The rooms is illuminated with a red light, blood dripping from the walls.

He puts me back on my feet before pushing my back against the wall, hovering over me, his eyes staring at my neck, "Scared yet?" He asks.

I shake my head, taunting him. He smirks before pulling a blade from his pocket, and he laughs as he watches the true terror rise behind my eyes. He pins my arms above my head, and I try breaking away from his grip, but he's too strong, "W-what are you doing?" I whimper, terrified as he raises the blade up to my one arm.

"Shh," he whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine, "I won't hurt you, I promise."

I feel a stinging in my arm as he drags the blade lightly down, making me screech in pain and struggle more. I feel my own blood trickle down my arm, and my breathing becomes faster as I continue to fear what else this guy will do to me. He bites on his lip before slowly leaning close to my arm. I freeze as I feel his tongue slide up, licking the fresh blood from my skin. He pulls back, my blood smeared on his lips, looking me dead in the eyes, "I'm sorry... It's been too long since I've fed."

"W-what-" he slams his lips onto mine, my mouth immediately filling with the taste of iron. His skin is ice cold as he presses against me, "Please come back." he whispers, his lips still on mine. I stare into his eyes, the hazel color having been replaced by red.

Every part of me is screaming NO, "Okay." I whisper.

He kisses me again, having another lick at my arm before ushering me out of the room. I walk through the rest of the house, blocking out all my surroundings, completely unphased by the scares as my mind becomes clouded with thoughts of what just happened.

"Hey," Jamia runs up to me as I get outside, "Dude... your arm." Her voice is filled with concern.

I stare up at her, "You were right, it was good."


This was a bit weirder than my usual imagines, but I hope you liked it anyway XD

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