Chains and Whips Excite Me (Mikey Imagine)

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Requested by unicorn_rap_god

Before I start, I forgot to do a request from months ago. I forget who requested it, but I remember the idea, and I'll write it soon. I'm so so sorry for it being so late.

Warning: Pain kink/ violence

It's funny how things can change so quickly. In an instant, one's perspective of another person can diminish into a whole other thought, knowing that things would never go back to the way they were before. Trust to fear, fear to lust, it all changed...

One minute, I was jumping up and down to the beat of music, my heart pounding with adrenaline as I sang loudly amongst the crowd, only thinking of how it was indeed the best night of my life. Then it happened... we locked eyes. That's what any Mikey Way fangirl would think if he glanced in the general direction of you, but no, I know we did. The room became quiet, and the other fans who were wildly dancing slowed to a stop, and it was just us... until he looked away. The music came booming back, and I felt the people around me scraping against my body as they rocked out to I'm Not Okay.

The next minute, I'm waiting to catch the bus, and out of nowhere I feel a painful and powerful collision to the back of my head, and then there was nothing.


My eyes slowly open, but I'm still encased by darkness, just as when my eyes were closed. The only sound I hear is my rapid breathing and the clanging of chains as I try moving. Exhaling a groan, I realize I'm restrained to something by my wrists. It's cold. I can feel the cool air hit my bare skin, and this indicates to me that my clothes are gone. I can feel my bra and underwear, but nothing else.

"Hello!" I cry out, tugging at the chains helplessly, "Someone please help me!" Tears slide down my face and drip off my chin, hitting my bare chest.

Where am I?

What will happen to me?

Who did this to me?

In the darkness, I hear footsteps approaching me, "H-hello? Who's there? Please, help me." My voice shakes as I frantically pull the restraints.

I cry out in pain as I feel a sharp sting on my stomach, followed by a cracking sound as it hit my skin. The darkness shields my attacker.

"You can't be so loud, beautiful." I hear a soft voice say very calmly. The voice sounds familiar, but my choked sobs distract me from recognizing who it is.

"Who are y-you? Let me go!" I scream, receiving another whip on my stomach. More tears stream from my eyes as I let my head hang, groaning in pain.

"Shh. Be quiet, and there'll be no reason for me to punish you."

My eyes scan the dark room, but I still see no one. The footsteps retreat away from me, and suddenly the lights flick on. I squeeze my eyes shut, as the light hurts.

Slowly, I open my eyes, and shock takes over the fear in my mind as I see who is standing in front of me, a whip in one hand and a knife in the other.

Mikey Way.

My eyes go wide instantly, "W-why are you doing this? Please, just let me go, and I-I won't tell anyone."

He tilts his head to the side and takes another step closer to me, our bodies almost touching, "I have to have my fun first, beautiful." He leans closer, his lips hovering over my neck. A shiver sends down my spine as I feel his warm breath hit my skin. Still lingering near my neck, he raises the whip towards my face, "You stay quiet, okay? I don't want to hurt you."

What the fuck is happening?

I push him away, and he stumbles backwards, a smirk forming on his lips, "We can play rough."

I tug at the chains in fear, trying to break free as he calmly walks back over, gripping the whip tightly in his hand. Suddenly, he turns me around and pushes me on my hands and knees, sending a powerful hit to my ass. I cover my mouth with my hand to keep myself quiet so I don't get hit again, but he doesn't stop.




Tears rush down my face, but it's not the pain that's making me cry.

It's the fact that I like it.

Finally, after ten hits, he stops and makes me turn back around to face him, "Good girl..." He breathes out, his messy brown hair falling loosely over his hazel eyes.

He leans in, staring hard into my eyes, "You liked that, didn't you?" His voice is different now.

I don't answer, instead I just look away. He stands up, and I remain on my knees, too sore to stand. His hand strokes my cheek gently before he turns and leaves the room.

Three weeks later

I lay on the floor, more bruises and cuts scattered across my body than I've had in my lifetime.

The door opens and Mikey walks in, causing me to sit up. In his hands are a fluffly robe and a mug full of, I'm assuming, tea or coffee.

I know I should be afraid of him, but for some fucked up reason, I'm in love. He's caught onto my feelings, and because of this, the punishments have become dramatically less painful. He didn't hit me at all this week.

He walks over and sits down next to me. He moved the restraint to my one ankle last week so I could be more comfortable. He wraps the robe around me and ties it.

"Mikey?" I question.

He pulls a key out of his pocket, and unlocks my chain, "You may go." He says simply, refusing to look in my eyes.

My eyebrows knit together as I stare at him, "What? Really?"

He nods.

A silence falls between us before I finally speak, "But what if I don't want to?"

He looks up at me, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I did this to you."




"Because I fucking love you!" He shouts, rising to his feet.

I stare at him in shock.

"I'm a monster! Look what I've done to you! You have to go, Y/N! Tell the cops, do whatever you want, but I hurt you, and there's no changing that! Get out before I change my mind."

I stand up, taking a step towards him, "No."

He glares at me, but before he can say anything, I bend down and pick up his whip.


I place it in his hands, silently telling him to shut up.




Well, that was a whole lot different from what I usually write xD

I hope it wasn't too bad. I personally don't have any kinks, so sorry if it wasn't realistic or whatever.

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