it's not a fashion statement (gerard imagine)

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A/N: spooky shit for your Halloween reading pleasure :)

The church smells of an assortment of candles- ashy, musky, and earthy.

The crew is all dispersed in different areas, some going over choreography, some discussing the vibe they want for the video, others doing costume touch ups. I watch distantly as the guys goof around to a camera, my attention being grabbed by Ray scolding Frank for trying to seemingly crawl into the coffin.

I push myself up onto my feet to get a closer look at their antics, catching a smile from Gerard when he notices me nearing the group.

Once the camera lowers, he runs over and scoops into up into a hug, "You don't look dead yet!" He pouts, eyeing my lack of costume and makeup.

"I was thinking maybe you could, y'know, vamp me out," I say hopefully, "I don't really want other people touching my face." I motion in a circle with my hand as I explain.

A spark ignites in his eyes as he beams down at me with a suppressed chuckle. He swipes up my hand in his and I follow him, "C'mon, let's take the life out of you."

"Or you can fuck the life out of me." I think aloud, smirking to myself as if it were only still a thought unspoken.

"Hm?" He hums genuinely as we step inside the trailer.

"Nothing." I respond smugly, plopping down into a chair.

My body relaxes at the company of privacy as Gerard rummages around for makeup wipes. I stretch my rigid fingers in anticipation to get this shit off my face and not be paranoid.

Gerard reappears behind me. I smile at him back in the mirror, watching as he slowly pulls my hair behind my shoulder and bends down to bury his face in the crook of my neck. His dry lips would have once left my skin clad in goosebumps, a long time ago. My eyes fall closed as I reminisce of the way shivering used to feel.

A quick shock that scattered down the spine, rippling up towards the shoulders, making them tense for a moment before you fight back for control of your body and shake it out.

His fingers graze across my collar bone.

"I heard what you said earlier." He whispers in a dark tone, his nose tracing up the side of my neck to my cheek.

I crane my neck to peer at him, eyes narrowed slyly, "Yeah?"

He simply nods, the corners of his lips pulling into a dangerous smirk.

He plants a quick kiss on my temple before pulling back, fighting every urge I imagine he's having such as myself, "Later, sugar. We have people waiting on us. And I'm dying to see that pretty face."

I roll my eyes, "Real clever." I scoff, grabbing a makeup wipe and dropping it into is hand to urge him to start.

He does a little happy shimmy, revealing all his teeth in a big smile.

I watch in the mirror as my face loses the artificial color. The blue hue beneath my eyes from my long since shriveled blood vessels is striking, as it's the only real color I still have in my face. It makes a statement amongst the variety of grays that glazes the rest of my skin.

The more foundation he removes, the happier he glows. Well, if he could in fact glow, but that dumb movie made that a stereotype that's only a myth.

We do not glow. We burn.

"Contacts." He orders as he tosses the muddy wipes.

I obey and remove them, stowing them safely in their compactor.

He guides my face by the chin to get a good look at me, "Wow. It looks so realistic." He mocks, eyebrows cocked in fake bewilderment.

I playfully shove his arm away, "Bite me." I giggle with another roll of the eyes.

"Is that consent?" He nearly crawls up onto me on the chair, almost knocking it backwards in the process.

I laugh so hard my lungs ache from the sudden use of the typically stationary organs. I grab his face and pull him in for a deep kiss.

We both jump away from each other as the door creaks open. Ray jumps as well at our fast jolting, "Am I interrupting something?" He sneers.

"If you had any blood I'd drain you right now, Toro." Gerard threatens. If my heart still had a beat it'd be racing at his dominance.

"Ha, if." Ray gloats back tauntingly, "We're about to start shooting. Better get out there before they send a search party with stakes and pitchforks."

"Be right out." Gerard shoos him away before turning back to me, his tall frame towering me.

"You're so beautiful." He exhales longingly.

"You're so dead." I joke, unable to take a compliment.

"Is that a threat or a statement?" He ponders.

"Definitely not a fashion statement like we've all been able to pull off."

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