Strings (Ray Imagine)

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I never understood how someone could be so talented. The way his fingers glide across the strings like it's the simplest thing in the world never quiet settled in my mind.

Ray's eyes glance up and meet mine for a moment, immediately causing me to look away in embarrassment.
The rift stops and I look up, a look of satisfaction in Ray's eyes.

"You want me to teach you?" He asks, his voice in its usuall happy tone.

I stare wide-eyed at my co-worker, "I should stick by the register incase a costumer comes in."

"We work at a guitar shop. If Rodger gives you any crap, you can just tell him you were showing the costumer how a guitar sounded. C'mon!" He waves his hand, signalling me over to him.

I think about how our boss, Rodger, might react. Eh, what the hell.
I jump over the counter and stride over to Ray. I sit down next to him, and he hands me the guitar he was playing.

"Play something." He commands.
"I don't know the first thing about guitar," I admit, a blush creeping onto my face, "Why do you think I run the register?"

"It's not that hard," He scootches back on his chair and pats the space between his legs, "Let me show you."

Hesitantly, I stand up and sit down in front of him. I feel my heart pound in my chest as he reaches around me and rests his hands on top of mine, positioning them on the neck of the guitar.
He makes my hand strum the strings, guiding my other hand to various spots on the neck, creating an amazing melody.

"See, I knew you could do it." He whispers in my ear after silencing the hum of the strings.

"That was all you."

"Actually, I stopped guiding your hands halfway through the song. So, my friend, that was you."

I turn my head to look him in the eyes, our faces inches apart, "Well, I guess I just have a great teacher."

He smiles, slowly bringing his lips closer to mine. Just before our lips connect, the bell above the door rings, signalling a costumer has entered.

I pull away and sigh, "I have to get back to work."

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