Baby's First Christmas (Gerard Imagine)

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A/N: Ho! Ho! Ho! Mofos! It's fucking December, and I'm ZAZZED! Get ready for a bunch of holiday imagines! Consider it a Christmas gift from me to you ;)

The fire cracking, carolers singing from outside, snow lightly collecting on the windowsills, Christmas is undoubtedly the most wonderful time of the year! Except for how damn cold it always is. Fuck that below zero shit.

I feel a small tug on the blankets I'm bundled up in, and soon enough, I'm awoken by the familiar stubble on Gerard's chin brushing against my cheek as he greets me with a gentle kiss.

"Merry Christmas, baby." He whispers in my ear, his husky morning voice sending a shiver down my spine.

A smile rises to my lips, and I reach up and dig ny fingers in his hair, turning my neck and pulling down for a kiss on the lips. He bites down softly on my bottom lip, causing me to giggle. He pulls away, and I open my eyes, the first thing I see are the shimmering hazel orbs that I fell in love with the day I met him.

"Merry Christmas..." I beam up at him, tracing his jawline with my index finger. He leans down and our lips connect once more.

"Ready to go wish our baby a Merry Christmas?" He pulls back after a minute or so.

I throw the blankets off of me and climb out of bed, excited. It's Skylar's first Christmas! She won't remember it, but Gee and I will, forever.

He takes my hand and we walk down the hall to the purple nursery, where our daughter lays sleeping in her crib. We look down at her, and from the corner of my eye, I see a smile only a father can possess form on Gee's lips. His eyes are looking at her protectively and lovingly, just like how he looks at me.

"Hey," He coos, tickling her stomach. Skylar's eyes fly open, and she immediately starts laughing. Gee picks her up in his arms, kissing her cheek, "Guess what?" He gasps excitedly in his kid voice, "Santa came last night and left you so many presents!"

He turns her to face me, and my heart melts at our little one's face. I have the same reaction everytime I look at her. She has my eyes and nose, Gee's hair and thin top lip, she's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I hold my arms out, and Gee hands her over.

"Hi, Sky!" I widen my eyes, and she giggles, "Hi, Sky!" I repeat, amusing her greatly. Her little hand reaches out and grabs my nose, "Honk!" I yell, and she retracts her hand, waving her arms, the biggest smile on her face.

"I'll change her diaper, you wanna get her bottle ready?" I ask Gee, shifting Sky onto my one arm.

He nods and runs downstairs. I put Skylar in a clean diaper and put her Batman pajamas back on.

"Ready to open presents?" I beam. Of course I don't get an answer, but I carry her downstairs. Gee is sitting by the tree with Sky's bottle. Her eyes widen at the assortment of brightly wrapped presents, and her mouth hangs open a little.

"Lookie! C'mon, let's go open them with Daddy." I walk her over and and sit down next to Gee. Sky becomes antsy in my lap as she reaches for a present.

"Hold on. Hold on." I reach over and grab one, placing it in front of her. She slaps the box, and Gee and I chuckle.

"Like this, Sky." Gee tears a piece of the paper, and she screams, "Shh. I was just showing you what to do. You try." He says gently.

Sky grips onto the wrapping paper, slowly tearing at it, yelling with excitement.


"Not it on cleaning the wrapping paper..." I lean into Gee's side, and he wraps his arm around my waist.

"Jerk." He mutters, rolling his eyes.

I chuckle, smiling at a sleeping Skylar who's snuggling her her new teddy bear. We got her a bunch of other things, but so far, she's favoring the bear the most.

Gee kisses the top of my head, "So, are you ready for my present?"

I look up at him with confusion, but before I can say anything, he picks me up bridal style and carries me to our bedroom.

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