Baby Fever (Frank Imagine) //100k Announcement

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A/N: HIIII IM NOT DEAD IM SORRY!!! So little life update- Back in January I found out my boyfriend had been cheating on me, so that put me in a 3 month funk, so that's why I've been gone for so long. BUT, I'm with a new guy and hoooooly crap guys I'm so happy. I'm going on vacation Monday so I'll try my best with updates. I'm lowkey thinking about arranging a meet up? Would anyone be down? I know I'm not like famous or anything but I do have a lot of supporters on here so idk I thought it'd be cool to meet up and get some pics or whatever.
Anyway since I've been gone we hit 100+K, and WOW THATS A LOT OF PEOPLE THANK YOU ALL I LOVE YOU GUYS!!


The scent of Frank's cologne fills my nose as I nuzzle into his chest. His arms wrap around me and I feel him kiss my forehead.

"Y/N!" I spring up with fright as Gerard bursts into the room.

"Gerard! What the hell, it's 2:00 in the morning-"

"Lindsey's going into labor, get up!" He shouts, flipping the lights on. He's covered in sweat, dark circles under his eyes.

"What are you doing here then?" I unravel Frank's arms and climb out of bed, "Take her to the hospital!"

"Yeah what-"

Gerard cuts Frank off, "She wants you with, Y/N. Get dressed she's in the car!" With that he dashes out the door.

Frank and I exchange a glance before I stumble over to my dresser, quickly pulling on a pair of jeans and a sweater.

"I'll meet you there, there won't be room in her car." Frank grabs my hand, stopping me before I leave our bedroom.

"Y/N!" Gerard yells from downstairs, his voice shaking more than earlier. Frank leans down, kissing me softly.

"I gotta go, I'll see you there, babe." I call back to him as I rush down the stairs. Outside sits Lindsey's car. She's laying in the backseat, clutching her stomach and groaning in pain. The second I'm in Gerard starts speeding down the road.

"Hey, sis." I smile at her, trying to stay calm to keep her calm. Her breathing is heavy and she immediately latches onto my hand, squeezing it tightly. Instead of responding she continues to cry out. I glance at Gerard, every time she shows any sign of pain he winces and drives faster.

The hospital comes into view, and I shudder. Everything about them scares me. From the bland white walls, to the constant sounds of machines and patients crying, they're almost designed to make people crazy with fear.

The tires screech as Gerard pulls up to the emergency entrance, "I'll get a wheelchair." He says almost too quickly to understand before running inside. He returns with one and a doctor to his side. I get out of the car and help Lindsey out.

Her hair is messy, tears running down her face. I don't see the glow everyone talks about, but oddly, I've never seen her more beautiful. My sister is about to become a mother. We've spent hours talking about how happy she is to finally be able to start a family with the man she's loved for years. Her excitement has brought her to tears more than once, and now it's finally happening.

The doctor wheels her inside, and Gerard and I follow them into the room.

"Are you two family?" He asks us as a nurse dresses Linds.

"I'm her husband, she's her sister." Gerard answers.

"Okay, we're gonna take good care of her," He turns back to Lindsey, hooking her up to all the monitors, "How far apart are your contractions, Mrs. Way?"

"Like, three min- fuck!" Gerard rushes to her, grabbing her hand as she sits up in pain.

"Get off of me, you fucking asshole! This is your fault!" She groans, pulling her hand away from his. Hurt spreads across his face and he steps away.

"Hey, she doesn't mean it," I whisper to him, "It's normal for women in labor to say stuff like that. She's in a lot of pain right now, just ignore it and be there for her."

"Sweet Satan get it out!" Lindsey screams, sweat dripping from her forehead.

"Hey, hey it's okay. You're gonna be fine," I caress her hair, "She's almost here. Remember how we couldn't stop talking about what she'll look like. You're gonna see your baby!"

"God it hurts! Oh wow it-" She starts sobbing, unable to finish her sentence.

An hour passes until there's no time separating her contractions.

"She's coming!" The doctor announces, "Okay, Lindsey, you're ready. Push..."


Lindsey's tears of pain turn into tears of joy as she smiles down at the baby girl in her arms, "Look at her, Gerard. We made that. Oh my god she's so beautiful." She kisses his cheek.

He too is crying, more than Lindsey, "Can I hold her?" He asks. She hands him the baby, and his touch is so delicate.

I think of Frank. I imagine us in a moment like this. He is the man I want to spend my life with. I want to grow with him and have children of our own.

I step closer, getting a better look at the baby. She truly is beautiful. She has Lindsey's nose and Gerard's hazel eyes.

"I'll leave you two alone for a bit." I smile before walking out of the room. Frank is sitting on a chair outside, his hands folded in his lap. He stands when he sees me, wrapping me in a tight hug.

"How's Lindsey? Did everything... you know, come out okay?" I can tell he's tired.

"The baby is perfectly healthy, Lindsey's okay, Gerard is hysterical." I inform, and he smiles at the thought of his best friend being so happy to have a baby.

"I want one." He blurts.

I pull back, "Want what?"

"I want to have a baby."

My eyes widen, but he stays frozen in place, "Really?"

He places his hands on my waist, pulling me closer to him, "I want it if you want it. I want to have a baby with you, I've known for a long time now that you're the only girl I will ever want, maybe it's time to add a new addition."

A smile forms on my face, "Frank, I love you. Of course I want this." I hug him.

"Well, should we go home and get this started?" He smirks, causing me to giggle.

"Just what I was thinking."

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