Snowed In - Part Two (Gerard Imagine

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Requested by @World_of_Weasley

Gerard was the first to drop onto my couch, not bothering to remove his coat or boots. His arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me onto his lap, nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck, "It's so cold out there..." he whispers, his warm breath hitting me, releasing a shiver down my spine that snow could never do.

My face begins to flush as my heart pounds hard in my chest. Different scenarios play through my mind on what could happen. The snow is still rapidly falling, preventing my parents from returning home from work, and more importantly, preventing Gerard from leaving.

His boots hit the floor with a thud as he kicks them off, then he rolls us onto our sides so he is spooning me. My head rests under his chin, "You got quiet all of a sudden." He says while reaching over me to grab the remote, turning the tv on.

The channels flick by at the control of his finger. The only response I can offer is a shrug. Gerard and I have always been close, but the way he holds my hand and the ways he touches me seems different. I'd say lustful, but I doubt that.

"Is everything okay?" He questions. I wish he didn't. He's been my only love since freshman year, but it's always been one sided. Because I've never expressed that love. A relationship could ruin our friendship, and I could never lose him.

"I'm just a little agitated we were stuck in school all day." I hate myself for lying. Frankly, I'm thankful we got snowed in at school, Gerard and I had more time together.

"It wasn't that bad." A light yawn escapes his mouth after he speaks. Gerard finally decides to settle on the Sci-fye channel that's playing an alien documentary.

"Nerd." I mumble playfully. I know he smiles, I can feel his jaw move ever so slightly as he does so.

Unamused by the overused claims and unrealistic alien effects, my fingers trace up and down Gerard's arm. They graze every scar, every scab, every freckle, memorizing the stories his body bestows. His skin is uncharted by another person, belonging only to himself. No hands have left behind their remains, none but mine. The hair on his arm raises at my light touch, evidence of my effect.

"Hey, Y/N?" Gerard pulls me from his thoughts, which I don't mind.

"Yeah?" I ask, my hand still dancing up and down his arm slowly. His free hand travels to my thigh, and the air in the room shifts.

"How long are we going to keep doing this?"

I sit up and face him. He leans on his elbows, his face stern and eyes locked to mine, "Do what?" I try to suppress the panic I'm feeling, but by the softening of his features I know he understands.

"Pretending we don't have feelings for each other." The words roll off his lips with confidence. His hand finds mine again, squeezing it slightly, comfortingly.

My own words get caught in my throat, leaving me sitting in silence with my mouth parted. My eyes follow his hand as it raises to my cheek, and I melt in his touch. His face begins ascending closer and closer to mine, and before I realize it, we are kissing. He pulls me closer and our bodies touch with a passionate collide. His chapped lips contrast mine, but I want more of them.

Our breath harmonizes with each other as we pull apart, the only sound in the room besides the tv and the light howl of the wind outside. His hazel eyes are shining brighter, the color of a new spring leaf, "Gerard..." My voice trails as I look away. His hand guides me back to him.

"I know, Y/N. I love you too."

The butterflies in my stomach swarm with manic. This isn't our first I love you, but it's our first with a meaning greater than friendship. He smiles when he notices the star struck affect he leaves me in.



"You're my girl."

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