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How about Naruto and Hinata training together but while they spar, Naruto can't help but get turned on by how hot and awesome Hinata looks like that he sneaks flirty moves here and there? ×))

"Oh, no! Sayuri's sick?"

Her mother nodded at Hinata with apology. "I'm sorry, Hinata-sensei! She was looking forward to you teaching her more byakugan techniques, but I had to keep her home just to make sure."

Hinata smiled at her. "It's okay. I just hope she recovers soon."

"She'll be back next week. She's got medicine and everything."

Hinata watched her student's mother walk away then she sighed and looked at the empty sparring room at the Hyuuga compound. She had the entire room to herself for the next hour, but without a student, it seemed like a waste.

She looked down at her new uniform. Too bad. She'd wanted to try out the new material that her tailor had picked for her. The old uniform was made of cotton, but this one was made from synthetic fiber that supposedly moved more smoothly.


Hinata whirled around and saw Naruto at the entrance and suddenly walking towards her.

"Naruto? What are you doing here? I thought we were meeting later tonight?"

He grinned at her. "I finished my mission earlier. Your sister said you were here so I came to see you."

"Oh." But her heart gave a funny little squeeze at his words.

"Where's your student? I thought you were helping one of your cousin's kids?"

"She's sick, so I'm all by myself. But I wanted so much to spar with her."

He looked at her with a gleam in his eyes. "I'll be your sparring partner."

She returned his look with a suspicious frown. "If you promise to just spar, I'll take you up on that offer."

He smiled at her again, one of those innocent-looking ones that she never trusted. Naruto placed a hand over his heart. "I promise to just engage you in bodily contact."

She turned her byakugan on. Her eyes were already looking for the tenketsu points on his body she wanted to hit. "I'm going to ignore that sexual innuendo that you didn't even try to hide."

He laughed. "Taijutsu only?"

She nodded. Then she flew at him.

But he was quick and dodged her first attack. He spun around with a kick aimed at knocking her off her legs. She jumped up and slammed a palm onto his thigh, but he shook her off, a hand briefly brushed at her waist, and backed away.

He was smiling.

Hinata wasn't. She was still focused on trying to incapacitate him with her Gentle Fist. Her eyes narrowed, however. He'd touched her unnecessarily at her waist.

At least he wasn't taking it easy on her. She appreciated that.

She moved again, hoping to catch him off guard with a kick. But he caught her ankle and instead of throwing her, his hand slid up her calf in an unmistakable caress.

Hinata twisted in the air and he released his hold on her.

She frowned at him, but the smile on his face was cheeky, fueling her irritation because she'd known he was going to do something like that.

His arms were crossed in front of him as he blocked her next series of attacks, the jabs and kicks she aimed at his face. Then Hinata was whirling around, her long, dark hair swirling with her as she concentrated on slamming the side of her palm on his neck and back. He was quicker and caught her wrist, his other hand going to her butt and squeezing.

"Naruto!" she yelled. That move was unambiguous.

She took a deep breath. "Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms," she murmured and watched with satisfaction as her ultimate defense manifested and surrounded her. It was visible only to her, the yin-yang symbol and the circular waves so clear with her byakugan, but she knew he could sense it even if he couldn't see it.

Naruto finally frowned, backing away from her dangerous reach. "Hinata! You said taijutsu only!"

"I lied," she responded coolly, raising a brow. Her silent message was clear: Just like you did.

But he smiled again, smugly, as he drew on his sage mode to counter whatever she was planning.

Orange clashed versus purple as they sped toward each other. She threw all her known attacks at him, all the techniques her family had shown her. Arms, legs, fists, feet, landed on his body, but they barely caused any damage.

But she wasn't going to stop.

Hinata, aided by the Hyuuga clan's hidden techniques, struck relentlessly, while Naruto inwardly smiled and watched with glee as he defended himself.

Hinata was just too cute!

Her face was scrunched up into that concentrated frown he loved so much, her arms graceful even while she was trying to kill him.

But he knew this time to hide his admiration for her because she was irritated.

Eventually, though, Hinata's chakra became depleted, and Naruto saw his chance as he saw her strength flagging.

With his Kyuubi mode on, he shot toward her and trapped her in his Kurama-enhanced hug, effectively stilling her movements. And because she was finally subdued, he leaned in and indulged what he'd wanted to do ever since he'd first stepped into the sparring room: kissed her flush on her mouth.

She sagged against him and accepted the caress of his lips against hers, his hands now on her back and moving lower, a hard thigh shifting between her legs to support her tired body.

He laughed against her ear when he broke the kiss. "Okay. Round one, foreplay over. Just so you know, Hinata," he purred. "Round two of this 'sparring' is at my apartment."

Her soft laughter was muffled against his neck. "You're on."

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