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But i really want to request prompt about Naruto as Kitsune Yokai (like the NaruBoru Merchandise) x Hinata as human or Miko or Yuki Onna. You also can add Boruto Kitsune as well (its up to you) .

It was, in hindsight, the worst decision he'd ever made.

"The stars are there to be seen, not to be played with, my Prince," his mother had told him.

But Naruto hadn't heeded her advice and he'd reached for the hoshi-no-tama, the bright orb made from stars. He was the fire fox, so he knew he wouldn't be affected by the heat. He'd dangled it up in the night sky to watch it twinkle and sparkle, mesmerized by how beautiful the light filtered through the inky blackness of space.

His pointy ears twitched with excitement, his whiskers fluttered with delight. He wanted to play with it forever, but he knew his mother would get angry if she ever caught him playing with these sacred, mystical pearls.

"They hold a part of your power because your soul is encased in them," she explained.

She'd taken the orbs away from him, gently cradling them and placed them back in the sky. Today, she was in her human form while she watched him flick his nine tails behind him in disappointment. His eyes burned with preoccupation, unable to resist the siren song of something that was forbidden to him.

Her smile was firm, filled with warning, but with understanding, too. She knew how much he was fascinated by them.

"We don't play with them because we might lose them in the process. It would be such a tragedy if you ever lost a part of your soul, don't you think?"

He should have listened to her.

Because the sun suddenly sneezed, sent a bright spark of flame up into the night, momentarily blinding him. Naruto had raised an arm to shield his eyes from the solar flare, and in that instant, his grip slackened on the mystical star-spheres and they fell, fell quickly down to earth.

In tears, he watched as he felt his soul shatter and a piece of him disappeared. The light inside his heart flickered briefly and then faded.

He suddenly felt cold.

. . . . . .

Hinata wandered in the night, her bare feet on the snow, the white robes billowing around her as the winter storm blew. Her dark hair fluttered along with the flaps of her gown, lending her an eerie countenance as her figure made slow progress through the forest.

It was a night made for a woman like her, a snow queen cast adrift the crystals of ice floating in the air.

The wind shrieked, the ghostly sound echoing the wild screaming inside her heart, but she paid it no mind. She was always in such a state. Nothing calmed her—except maybe walking outside on nights like this.

Lips that were perpetually blue suddenly smiled as she looked up. Her lavender eyes had caught a brief sparkle of light before it disappeared.

Without a firm destination, she made her slow progress through the trees, letting the snow build around her. Her fingers would often brush along the icy barks of trees, the branches ready to be snapped off because they were frozen.

But that brief flare of flight called to her, made her curious. She wondered what it was.

Hinata looked up and gazed far, eyes searching for a clue of what that falling star had meant, or where it could have landed.

Among the treetops, she saw a break in the shape. Trees that should have been tall were suddenly shorter than usual. That must be it. She followed the path she thought it would lead.

She met no one in this forest. This was hers, and many of the villagers in the town refused to set foot here because of the rumors of a wandering spirit.

She smiled again. Not rumors, because they was true.

This was her home, she belonged here. This forest, with its perpetual winter, hid her from human eyes and Hinata would walk, often at night, to her heart's content. She didn't know if she was searching for something, but she was happy to go here, or there, to touch and feel the snow and ice in her hands. It made her feel alive to know that the ice outside matched whatever it is that flowed inside her veins.

But still.

That light. What was it?

She must be close because around the area, things were changing. The ice was melting, the snow not as powdery, not as airy. It fell heavy, slushy.

And the trees were losing their frozen, sparkly sheen.


She felt a burning inside her.

That was even more curious.

And she was finally there.

Put simply, it flamed.

Whatever was lodged among the trees gave off a warmth that was not unpleasant.

In fact, it drew her, and Hinata found her arms out, hands eagerly reaching to touch it.

It was a sphere filled with so much light, bursting with so much heat, but it didn't burn her, only compelled her to pick it up and hug it to her chest.

She felt the shrieking wildness inside her still, felt the glow of something lovely fill her as the tempest in her heart finally calmed.

"That's mine! Give it back!"

Hinata turned around, but her arms held the glowing sphere tight to her chest.

She saw a fox, a small one shivering in the snow, staring at her. She looked around searching for the owner of that voice but didn't see anybody.

"I said give it back!"

This time, she looked down, and the fox's whiskers were quivering, eyes blinking. Its mouth opened and the voice said again, "Hand it to me right now."

But the thought of it filled her with sadness. She hugged it tighter and gazed back at the little fox. "No, I found it. It's mine now."

The fox gasped, and before Hinata's eyes, it shifted its shape, slowly elongated into a human form. The blueness of his eyes caught her by surprise, the blond hair shone brightly in the night. His kimono robes fell all around him in resplendent gold.

"It was mine first. It belongs to me."

She was a demon, she knew she could hurt him. But something in his eyes said he was lost, that he really needed this thing she cradled so tenderly in her arms.

She didn't want to lose this calmness, to go back to the stormy emotions whirling inside her once she gave this sphere up, but she had no choice.

Sensing her surrender, he sighed and stepped forward, reaching for the star-orb. But instead of taking it away from her, he wrapped his arms around the orb and her, around the feminine body that had protected his spirit from the harshness of this winter environment.

Something in her countenance had reminded him that he was made of fire, that he had the power to give life and love to others. Something about the blueness of her lips that chattered with the cold when she'd refused him at first.

Something about the way she'd held his soul so gently in her hands.

"Yuki-onna," he whispered against her ear.

"No," she said as she shook her head. "Hinata."

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