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Hellooooo! Im wondering if I could request a drabble too? If you feel like doing it of course!

Here, Naruto seeing Hinata with a high ponytail for the first time (they have gotten together in this time) and he was left in awe at the sight of her bare neck and all of sudden he felt the urge to kiss it. And before he realised, he already did and it caught them both off guard.

"Thanks, Naruto!" Hinata said breathlessly as she rushed into his apartment. He was holding the door open for her as he let her inside.

"I knew I was going to be late, but I didn't realize I was going to be this late. I'm sorry."

"It's fine," he responded with a smile, but she was already heading into the bathroom, hands on the buttons of her shirt, ready for her shower.

"I picked up your dress from the shop like you asked me to, Hinata. It's in the bedroom."

"Thank you!" she said again, but before jumping into the shower, she ran to him to quickly peck him on the cheek. Then she flashed a distracted look at the clock as the door closed behind her.

They only had thirty minutes to get ready for Karui and Chouji's engagement party.

Hinata had known her mission was going to take longer today and had told him to go earlier ahead of her, but he refused to arrive at the party without her by his side.

"It's an engagement party, Hinata. We have to show up together, as a couple," he'd teased. "It would be strange if I came in by myself."

He took his time getting ready and did his best to stay out of her way. Knowing her, she wouldn't take long to get everything done.

Instead, he waited in the living room, looking out the window as he listened to her mutter to herself.

"Earrings...earrings. Ah!"

He knew they were on top of his clothes chest where they always were.

"No time to do my hair properly!"

He smiled at that.

"Where the hell are my stockings?!"

A moment later, "I guess no stockings today."

His eyes gleamed.

Then she burst out of the bedroom with a pleading look on her face. "Naruto, can you help me zip up my dress?"

His lips quirked up into a smile, but she missed it as she turned and showed him her back. The zipper was halfway up, but her hair was up in a high ponytail, the strapless dress exposed everything from her collar bone up, her arms, her shoulders, her neck.

His fingers trailed softly over her back as he reached for the zipper. Though he was careful not to get her delicate skin caught as he zipped up, he found his eyes drawn to her neck, right to the spot where soft tendrils of hair beckoned, refusing to be bound up in her ponytail.

Without thought, he pressed his lips to the spot. The scent of her shampoo filled his lungs as he inhaled deeply.

Hinata's shoulders twitched in surprise, dropping the earring she was in the process of attaching to her right ear.


She slid him a questioning glance behind her shoulder.

"I just..."

But his hand was on her shoulder, brushing her ponytail off her skin, his head bent again to kiss her on the back of her neck, right in the center.

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