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May I ask you for more jealous Naruto? But maybe this time they already are a couple?


I kind of have a drabble request? If it's not disturbing? Can you write something, whatever you want actually, including Naruto saying "don't you dare to touch her again" to whoever is menacing Hina? Sorry for my bad English uff! Thanks

Naruto glared at his nemesis and said, "Absolutely not. Find another person. Not Hinata."

"Listen, Naruto," Shikamaru said as he stared at Naruto. "Just try to be calm about this, but we need Hinata to do this mission that requires her particular set of skills."


Naruto folded his arms and glared at Shikamaru. He then transferred his ire to the sixth Hokage.

Kakashi sighed. "It's just for a few hours. And really, we didn't need to, but we're giving you the courtesy of warning you before assigning her this mission. In actuality, you have no say in this matter."

Naruto was about to argue again, but Kakashi's voice firmed. He used the authority behind his role as Hokage to emphasize, "It is an order and you really cannot change my mind. Now, I will ask you to leave and not to interfere with Hinata's job."

Naruto clenched his jaw and bowed, but when he looked up, he glowered at them. "I am not happy about this!"

"Too bad, pain in the ass," Shikamaru retorted.

Naruto left with an angry snort and slammed the office doors with a loud bang.

Kakashi looked at his assistant. "There'll be trouble."

Shikamaru sighed. "Yup."


Unbeknownst to Naruto, Hinata had actually already started on this mission. She smiled at the visiting dignitaries and lifted a welcoming hand.

The two approaching men bowed to her. Dressed in her kimono, Hinata bowed in response and waited for the two men to come close before introducing herself. "I'm Hinata Hyuuga, your escort for the day through Konoha. I believe Kakashi-sama has already informed you of my role?"

One of them bowed in response. "Yes, ma'am. I'm Itohara."

The other smiled and lifted a brow. "Just call me Hoshino. Nice of you to come meet us. With you guiding us, this visit is going to be a lot of fun."

Hinata kept the pleasant expression on her face but she inwardly sighed. This guy was going to be a bother. She hated these types. They never stopped talking about themselves.

True enough, as Hinata led them throughout the spots they'd requested to visit, Hoshino kept chatting her up and droned on and on about how rich and how cool he was. He stuck to her side despite her repeatedly saying she was already taken.

Hoshino laughed it off. "Yeah, that's what everyone says, but just wait til you get to know me better."

Hinata rolled her eyes then turned around and led them towards her home. She wasn't sure, but she thought she saw Itohara smile slightly.

She finally breathed a sigh of relief when the more respectful Itohara offered his thanks for her help with a low bow. They'd just finished going through the Hyuuga archives and were finally done for the day.

Hoshino, though, had other plans. He flashed her his most charming smile. "I figured you could have dinner with me before we left."

Itohara frowned in surprise while Hinata shook her head firmly. "No, thank you. Actually, I already made plans with my boyfriend, who's waiting for me."

"Boyfriend!" Hoshino chuckled with disbelief, suddenly grabbing her hand and pulling her closer. Hinata resisted the urge to activate her byakugan but she quickly pulled her hand out of his.

Undeterred, Hoshino reached for her again, saying, "Nah, you made that up. You have no plans and no boyfriend."

Only to find himself shoved so hard he flew back and hit the side of the building.

"Actually, she does," Naruto said, glaring at him, and still flaring brightly with both sage and kyuubi modes on. He ignored Hoshino for a moment and glanced at Hinata, who he had anchored to his waist. "You okay, Hinata?"

She smiled at him and responded with a nod and one-armed hug. She turned her gaze to the sprawled Hoshino and raised her eyebrows expressively.

See? I told you to leave me alone but you didn't listen. It's your own fault, was the unspoken message.

Naruto, meanwhile, was livid. "Don't you ever touch her again! I don't care who you are but you keep your damned hands to yourself or I will kill you."

Hoshino groaned and slowly got up. "Alright! Geez, it was just a harmless joke."

"Harmless?! It's not a joke to me. I'll make you armless if you lay another grubby hand on her!"

Naruto growled and took a step forward, but Itohara stopped him. He smiled at Naruto and said, "I knew you would show up eventually. It's nice to meet you, Naruto Uzumaki."

Hoshino paled, finally understanding.

"Sorry! I didn't know! I won't touch her again!"

With one last glare at him and a nod at Itohara, Naruto turned around and took Hinata's hand. Completely different from the man a second ago, the smile he aimed at her was filled with warmth.

"Sorry I kept you waiting, Hinata. Shikamaru did a good job of stalling me."

"Oh!" Hinata responded with a laugh. "It took an hour and a half this time. He's gotten so much better at that."

He only grinned again and they finally started making their way toward Ichiraku.

Itohara watched them leave and then glanced at his companion in sympathy. The black eye was finally appearing on Hoshino's face.

"She introduced herself as Hinata Hyuuga," Itohara explained. "You should've paid attention and stopped right then with your attempts to flirt. It was obvious she was off-limits. Everyone knows she's going out with the Hero of the Great War."

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