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i have a little smutty drabble request if its alright with you ^-^ Hinata visits Naruto in his hokage office to give him his lunch and Naruto has other plans ;))

(Note: You guys should know me by now :p)

"Naruto! No!"

Hinata's voice.

"I just came to bring you lunch. I am not doing that."

"Please, Hinata?" Naruto's cajoling tone came through the closed doors. "Just for a little bit. I just need five minutes."

Shikamaru stood with folded arms in front of the Hokage office. His face was red.

No. This was impossible. He couldn't believe that Naruto would be this stupid, this impulsive, this—

"Naruto, no!" Hinata screeched again.

"Yes, Hinata," came Naruto's voice, drowning out her protest. "Nobody will know..."


Shikamaru had forgotten how unpredictable and reckless Naruto could be.

But he stood rooted to the spot, unable to tear himself away, unable to stop himself from overhearing this incredibly inappropriate conversation between the Hokage and his wife...at work.

"In here?" she squeaked.

"Where else? Come on, you know you want to..." This was followed by Naruto's teasing laughter.

"Naruto, I've never even entertained the thought!"

"Really, Hinata?" His tone then dropped suggestively. "It's been so long since you've done it."

"I can't believe we're even having this conversation."

"Why not? It makes sense to have it here."

Be strong, Hinata, Shikamaru pleaded silently as he stood outside the door. Don't do it. Don't give in to him. Don't even listen. Tell him he's being an idiot and just leave him. Take the damn bento box and go home.

But Naruto was relentless and trying his best to be persuasive.

"Hinata, look. I don't even have to be naked."

"Naruto! You're not supposed to be naked!" Her voice had a little hysterical edge to it, Shikamaru noted. "And especially not in here!"

"Come on, Hinata? Just this once?"

"Just this once? And you'll never ask me again?"

Naruto's laughter. "Yes."

No, dammit! He's lying! Don't believe him, Hinata! Come on, girl! Be strong, Shikamaru desperately thought.

For both our sakes.

Not in the Hokage's office!

In hindsight, maybe this was his fault. Shikamaru cursed himself for leaving Naruto all alone by himself. Naruto had told him that Hinata was coming to drop off his lunch, and Shikamaru, in his innocence, had thought nothing about it.

But now he was caught in an unenviable position.

"Fine. I'll do it," Hinata said.

Oh, no! Shikamaru thought. Shit.

Now, what the hell was he supposed to do?

If he were to leave them alone, somebody less discreet might catch the two in the act. So that means he really had no choice but to stay here and keep watch. And even though Shikamaru was extremely pissed at the moment, he had a duty to protect the idiotic Hokage.

His eyes suddenly lit up with understanding as an idea came to him.

Or maybe he can interrupt them right now and prevent them from getting started!

He was about to knock on the door, but Naruto was moaning loudly already.

Shit! Shikamaru thought as he died with embarrassment.

But a few paces from where they all were, he could hear the visiting dignitaries chatting amongst each other as they walked towards the Hokage office. In a few minutes, they were going to get here. Shikamaru could stall them, prevent them from approaching the office, but he didn't know how long Naruto and Hinata were going to take.

For god's sake! He was going to have to walk in and interrupt the two.

Steeling himself, he walked into the office unannounced and quickly shut the door behind him.

Only to find Hinata looking at him with startled eyes, her hands on Naruto's shoulders.

He, meanwhile, was sitting on his chair, slumped over the table, head buried in his arms, still moaning in ecstasy from the kneading of her fingers as she worked on the tight knot in his muscles.

And they were both fully clothed.

Shikamaru leaned back against the door with relief.

"What the hell are you two doing?!" he snarled angrily.

"A massage?" Hinata squeaked guiltily.

Naruto looked up with a grin. "She gives the best."

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