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Hi there! I hope this ask finds you well. So i would like to give an idea for a drabble. Here is the thing Naruto is an ice hockey player and Hinata is his gf(or soon to be gf if you know what i mean). I leave the rest up to youu!Take care:)

Mornings were his favorite part of the day.


Naruto tucked his chest closer to his thighs as he leaned further down, the blades of his skates flying smoothly over the ice. The action made him speed up as he pumped his arms in tandem with his legs.


Three more laps around the rink and then he'd be done with his morning skate.

After that, another twenty minutes practicing his shooting skills. All to make sure his accuracy would increase. He would lay the pucks in a line a few feet away from the goal. Then he would grab his stick, grip it tightly, and then rapidly move down the line of pucks, blasting them towards the corners of the goal post.

When that was done, she would walk in.

And all concentration would be gone as he secretly watched her through the glass windows of her office. He would pretend to practice on the ice, but really, all his time was spent watching her get ready for work.

He knew she liked coming in early, too. And he would observe her as she walked into the rink with her backpack and the red and black coffee tumbler with the team's logo that she loved to carry around.

As the team's medical director, he knew how busy she was. The season was underway and for some reason, many of his teammates were suddenly getting injured. It was a sore hand, a sore back, a pulled hamstring. So many things she and the rest of the medical team had to deal with.

Naruto's jaw clenched when he remembered his linemate and left-winger, Kiba, joking about pretending to have a groin injury in the hopes that she would personally check it.

But to his everlasting joy, Hinata had only glared at Kiba, seeing through his ruse.

"It will be a cold day in hell before I ever look between your legs," she told him unsympathetically. "Go ask Dr. Uchiha to look at your injury if you really are hurt. Look, there's Sasuke now walking through the doors. Hmph!"

Naruto watched her now as she busied herself in the office.

He'd gone through a whole year of the same thing every morning.

But he loved it most because during these quiet moments, it would be just the two of them and nobody would intrude on their privacy for the next twenty minutes.

Sometimes, she would stop working and he would look up to see her looking at him. Then she would smile and give him a little wave, that he returned as calmly as he could even though his heart would pound so painfully in his chest.

But he was always flustered when she did that and he would look down at the ice, staring blindly at the puck in front of him before he remembered he was supposed to be hitting it and aiming for the net in front of him.

Something about Hinata always compelled him to look, to want to do something that would break him of his shyness around her. He wanted so badly to ask her out, to confess to her that he'd liked her for the past few months.

She was still new to the team, but he'd easily found her the most beautiful woman he'd ever met. She was friendly with everyone and made sure to talk to him, to the staff, and every one of his teammates.

But every time he was around her, he would lose his nerve and never get around to inviting her out on a date.

"You're one of the biggest stars in the hockey world, but you can't even ask her for her number?" Shino had teased. His right-winger patted him on the shoulder. "You better do it soon before somebody else beats you to it. Did you know that Toneri Otsutsuki from last week's match went and chatted her up? Luckily, she told him to scram before I got to them. I don't like the idea of other team's players going out with her."

Naruto didn't, either.

Which was why this morning, he was suddenly stopping to take off his helmet and stripping off his gloves.

In a few minutes, Hinata was going to walk out of that office and come out to say good morning to him. Then a few minutes after that, some of his teammates will soon be arriving at the rink.

She blinked in surprise when she saw that he'd taken off his helmet and gloves. He never usually did that. Usually, he was on the ice again, doing more laps around the ice before it got crowded with the rest of the team.

"Naruto?" she asked slowly, sensing the change in their normal routine.

It was now or never.

"Hinata," he said, then he swallowed painfully and took a slow agonizing breath. The heat was already up his cheekbones, he could feel himself flush. "Do you have any plans tonight?"

Her eyes widened.

And then...she smiled, a bright, beautiful stretch of her luscious lips.

"Are you asking me out on a date?" she asked.

Naruto nodded, still blushing.

"Yes!" she yelled as she took a step closer to him and held out a hand.

He was suddenly reaching out for hers, then her smaller one was squeezing his palm so warmly.

The joy on her face was so plain to see and he wondered why he'd never seen it before, those times she would look into his eyes and would seem to wait for something.

"Oh, Naruto. Finally!" she sighed. "I thought you'd never ask!"

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